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Through some miracle, Shang JunLin agreed.

The two changed into nondescript clothes that wouldn't identify them. With the Hidden Dragon Guard following in the shadows, they left the palace with Meng Gonggong.

As soon as they were past the palace gates, Shen Yu felt the atmosphere change. It was completely different from the imperial palace.

He lifted a corner of the carriage curtain and looked outside.

The streets were swarming with people. The city was alive.

There were families strolling through the crowd, and couples snuggling together to enjoy the excitement. The streets were full of little stalls in a variety of colors. The goods on display were dazzling and overwhelming.

People went out with their relatives and friends to enjoy the only fireworks event of the year.

The little carriage was the dividing line between two worlds. On the other side was the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Shen Yu could almost feel the energy beyond the carriage walls.

He was so intent on looking outside that he didn't notice Shang JunLin, who was sitting beside him, kept looking at him.

The indistinct light from the window shone on the young man, making his face in the shadows appear blurred and remote. He was close enough to touch but also far away.

Shang JunLin's fingers moved, but he restrained the impulse to take the young man into his arms.

Turning back, Shen Yu couldn't wait to share his happiness with Shang JunLin. "Your Majesty, this is really exciting."

Shang JunLin averted his eyes a moment before the young man turned towards him. "En," he said. "Does the noble monarch prefer it this way?"

"I do." But after thinking for a moment, Shen Yu shook his head. "If it was this lively every day, I don't think I'd be able to enjoy it."

Shang JunLin, who'd just started to think about how to make the palace more lively, abandoned his thoughts. "Is there something the noble monarch would like to do?"

"Anything at all?" Shen Yu asked eagerly.

Shang JunLin nodded.

"Then Your Majesty will have to pay the money. Your Majesty didn't let me bring a maid, and I don't have a single copper coin on me." Shen Yu held his chin and peered at Shang JunLin.

Shang JunLin was easy to persuade. "All right."

"I might want to buy a lot of things...."

"This emperor thinks I have more than enough money to support the noble monarch."

The carriage didn't travel for long before it stopped in a slightly isolated location. After Shang JunLin got out of the carriage, he reached out to assist Shen Yu.

Shang JunLin helped Shen Yu straighten his clothes. "There's no need to call me Your Majesty outside."

"If Your Majesty thinks so. What should I call Your Majesty instead? Husband? Or Ah Lin?"

Shang JunLin lifted his gaze and met Shen Yu's smiling eyes. "I think husband is good. What does the noble monarch think?"

"I'd rather call Your Majesty 'Ah Lin'. There are countless people in this world who call you Your Majesty, but I'm the only one who can call you 'Ah Lin'."

"Then I'll call the noble monarch 'Ah Yu'."

After a short rest, the pair stepped into the busy street.

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