Chapter 3

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Third Person POV

Edward had just gotten home about an hour ago from the bookstore. He went all the way up to Port Angeles and bought all their books that were about teaching sign language. The roughly two hour long road trip made it well worth it by his purchases and intentions. Alice had a vision after school that hinted that this girl would be very important to him.

Yes, she's human but he knows deep down in his gut that he won't be able to stay away from her. He sits at the unused kitchen table, reading and learning, moving his fingers to get the muscle movements down. Emmett walks into the kitchen, wondering where the bronze 'teen' has been hiding since getting back from the brief trip.

"Yo, Ed. What are you doing?" He asks, sitting down next to him.

"Gabriella is deaf." Edward informs him, never looking away from the book.

"Wait, what?" Emmett asks, raising an eyebrow.

Edward sighs and looks up at his brother.

"Gabriella, the girl from Alice's vision, can't hear anything. I'm learning sign language so I'll be able to speak to her."

"That's where you talk with your fingers, right?" He asks, waving his fingers.

Edward nods softly and looks back down at his book. Emmett takes a few seconds before grabbing a beginners book from the pile of books and begins to practice. Edward glances up from the corner of his eye and smiles softly. His brother is learning to talk to his...friend? Right now she's just a friend.

He doesn't know what the future brings, that's Alice's thing, but for right now, there is one thing that he knows for sure...and that's that Gabriella is his friend. Not even a minute later, the chairs at the table have moved causing Edward to glance up. Each member of his family, including Rosalie, are sitting down with books in front of them.

"What are you guys doing?" He voices his thoughts.

Carlisle and Esme, his adoptive parents, glance at each other before Carlisle finally answers.

"Alice has informed us of her vision. If you are going to be with Miss Swan, then we want to be able to talk to her as well."

Edward smiles before looking at Rosalie.

"What about you? You said..."

His 'older sister' cuts him off. "Edward, I know what I said. But this girl is going to be important to you. Besides, I always like learning a new language. This time! Instead of it just being something to do to pass the time, I'll actually be able to use it. Maybe make a new friend?"

He smiles at her before whispering. "Thanks."

She smiles, showing off her perfect teeth, before going back to the book in front of her.


The next day at school, Bella is looking around the parking lot before school, seeing if she's able to spot the mysterious boy that ran away from her and her sister the day before. She watches as Gabby walks into the school, alone. Bella had lied to her sister, saying that she was waiting on Jessica and Angela to get to school, and that Gabby could go on inside.

Instead of waiting for the girls, like she said, the youngest Swan sister leans against the truck, looking at the area where the Cullen kids were parked yesterday. As she feels the rays of the sunshine hitting her cheek, she sighs as the final morning bell rings. There's still no sign of the Cullen kids...or at least not the youngest boy.

As she walks toward the building, a red M3 BMW flies into the parking lot. She stops in her tracks just watching this car. Two males and two females step out of the vehicle, none of them being the bronze haired boy.

Lost in Silence - Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now