Chapter 30

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It's been 2 days since Tanet locked himself in the room. Daw and Rune tried to talk to him but he declined. Finally they requested help from Mr.Li.

Outside Tanet's room:

Ming: Tanet, please open the door. It's me, your dad.

No answer.

Ming: Tanet, please don't make me use force to open the door.

After waiting for 5 minutes, the door opens and a disheveled looking Tanet stands before Ming.

Ming: Tanet.

Tanet hugs Ming as tears start pouring from his eyes. Ming slowly takes him to the office room and asks the servant to clean up Tanet's room which was a mess.

Ming makes Tanet sit on a chair and offers him a glass of water. Tanet takes a sip and places the glass on the table.

Ming: Tanet

Tanet looks at Ming.

Ming: Tanet, I know that you love my son a lot. But it does not change the fact that Veera is missing.

A tear drop escapes Tanet's eyes.

Ming: My son would hate to see you like this. You need to be strong my dear, for us, for Veera. I need you to get a hold of your grief and make your grief, your strength. Veera left behind a lot of unfinished business. I want you to take care of those along with Rune until Veera returns.

Ming looks into Tanet's eyes and says

Ming: Because I believe in you and your belief that he will return one day.

Tanet nods his head and hugs Ming tight.

After some time, Tanet wipes his tears and stands up.

Tanet: Thank you for believing in me dad. I will take care of Veera's unfinished business.

Ming pats his back and asks him freshen up and come down for dinner.

After some time at the dinner table:

Everyone including Tanet takes their seat around the dinner table. There is an awkward silence at the table.

Ming: Guys, before we start our dinner, I have something to announce. Starting tomorrow, Rune will be taking care of all our clubs and bars with the help of Sun and Kla while Tanet will take care of all our legitimate business and Daw will assist him.

Everyone looks at Ming in shock.

Ming: I know Veera is missing. But we cannot neglect everything which he had worked so hard to establish. So we will take care of it until he returns. Is that clear?

Everyone nods their head in Yes.

Ming: Hmm. Then let's have dinner.

They all proceed to have dinner in silence.

Next day onwards Tanet takes over office with the help of Daw while Rune takes over the club. Everyone misses Veera at work but no one utters anything because they didn't want to make Tanet sad. Tanet tries to act strong before everyone but they would see the pain in his eyes. A year pass by and still there is no news about Veera. Business thrives under Tanet's leadership and they open up branches in other countries.

Li Technologies is opening a branch in Singapore and Tanet is busy with its paperwork.

Daw: Tanet

Tanet: Hmm

Daw: We are supposed to leave for airport in 30 minutes.

Tanet: Okay. I am almost done with the paperwork.

Daw: Okay

Tanet: What about Kla, Rune and Sun? Are they joining us?

Daw: Rune said he has some issues with the new club and he will join us along with Sun on the inauguration day. Kla will come with us.

Tanet: Okay.

Tanet finish the paperwork and then head for the airport along with Daw and Kla. Soon they reach Singapore and check in to their hotel. It was already 10pm when they reach the hotel, so they decide to take rest and check their new office and the city in the morning.

Next day morning, Tanet along with Daw and Kla goes to the office location to check the progress. The are really impressed by the building as well as the interior works. So Tanet wanted to meet the architect as well as the interior designer. They are really surprised to know that the architect and interior designer is a single person. Tanet asks the manager to let him know once the architect arrives at the site.

Kla: Tanet, it's already 9am. Let's have some breakfast before the architect arrives.

Tanet: Okay.

Tanet is about to step out of the building when he collides with someone and falls down.

Unknown: I am sorry. I didn't mean to hit you.

Tanet turns his head quickly on hearing that voice. Daw and Kla also looks at that person in shock.

Tanet: VEE

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