Chapter 12

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It's been 30 minutes since Tanet has been taken into the operating room. He was hardly breathing when they reached the hospital and then his heart stopped. Veera felt like his heart skipped a beat and the entire world came to a standstill. Doctors were trying to revive him while Veera stood on his knees staring at Tanet's lifeless body. His dad and Kla was continously calling his name but he didn't respond. He was in a state of shock.

Doctors were able to revive Tanet and they took him to operating room for emergency surgery. Everyone is pacing outside the room while Veera sat in a corner with his head bowed down.
Kla feels sorry for his bestfriend and tries to talk to him.

Kla: Veera

No answer.

Kla: Veera

Veera: Huh

Kla: Please drink some water.

Veera just nods his head in no.

After an hour, the doctor finally comes out of the room.

Veera's dad: How is he doctor?

Doctor: He is out of danger . We have taken out the bullet but..

Veera: But what doctor?

Doctor: The bullet hit his spinal cord and because of that injury,he is paralyzed waist down.

Veera: NO...NO....NO...

Kla holds Veera as he tries to pull his hair out in anger and frustration.

Veera's dad: Is there a cure for this?

Doctor: He may or may not gain momentum through physiotherapy. That depends on patient's will power. As of now the chances are close to zero.

Veera's dad: Is he awake now?

Doctor: Yes. You can meet him now.

Everyone looks at Veera but he shakes his head in no.

Veera: I cannot face him dad. I.. I... this happened because of me. He shouldn't have tried to save me. I...

Veera's dad: Son, he needs you now. He saved you because he loves you. Now it's your turn to show how much you love and care for you. He is your love and responsibility son.

Veera nods his head and starts walking towards Tanet's room. He slowly opens the door and walks inside. He walks towards the bed quietly and stands near the bed looking at Tanet.

Veera: Tanet

Tanet looks at Veera with a smile.

Tanet: Hey. Are you okay? You are not hurt right?

Veera: How can you think of me when you are the one who is hurt and hospitalized. Why did you do it Tanet? Why?

Tanet: I don't know. When I saw him pointing the gun at you, I jumped before him. I couldn't bear to see you hurt. I..

Veera: Why do you want to save a moron like me who has given you nothing but pain. Look at you now, I.. I am responsible for your current condition. You cannot stand up or walk because of me. I hate myself.

Tanet: Hey.. Hey.. it's not your fault that I am hurt. You tried to send me away but I was the one who could not leave you behind.

Tears are rolling down Veera's eyes as he look at Tanet.

Veera: I am sorry Tanet. I sorry.

Tanet holds Veera's hand and looks into his eyes.

Tanet: Don't feel guilty Vee. It is not your fault that I am like this.

Veera: No, we will do everything possible to get you back on your feet. We will fight this battle together. I will be with you in this till the end.

Tanet: Why? You don't have to do anything because of guilt.

Veera: I am not doing this because of guilt. I am doing this because I lo...


Vèera: But Tanet

Tanet,: Please Vee. I lost you once and I broke down completely. I managed to rebuilt myself with great difficulty. If you give me hope this time and take it back again, I will not be able to pull myself back again. Please...

Veera felt bad knowing how much pain he has caused Tanet.

Veera (in mind): I will make you believe in my love Tanet. I will fight for you.

Veera: Okay, I won't say it again. Now take rest. I will meet you later.

Tanet: Hmm

Veera walks out of the room.

Veera's dad: How is he son?

Veera: He is okay dad.

Veera's dad: Then why do you look so sad?

Veera: He..He doesn't believe in my love dad. He thinks...he thinks that I am saying all this because of guilt. I don't want to lose him dad. I can't lose him.

Veera breaksdown in his dad's arms.

Veera's dad: Hey..Hey..look at me son.

Veera raises his head and looks at him.

Veera's dad: You are Veera, the brave one. You will never give up. You will accept this challenge and prove your love to him son.

Veera: Dad

Veera's dad: We are here to support you. Your family, your friends are praying for you. Go get your love

Veera: Thanks dad. I love you.

Veera's dad: I love you too son.

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