The Black Out

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The Black Out


My feet stumbled through the dark woods while my heart raced out of proportion. Why did Skylar suggest that we go out to the forest at ten o'clock on the reunion of the Black Out? I mean the Black Out is the scariest night in the world. Especially if you're behind the Wall. And that's just where we were.

What's behind the Wall you ask? No one knows for sure. All I know is that I want to get the heck out of here. But no. Skylar insists that we go beyond the Wall and see if we see any werewolves. Skylar thinks that there's werewolves out there, but honestly if there were, they would've already climbed the Wall by now. Right?

"Austin come on!" Skylar whispered as she pulled me to her left and shined her flashlight on the trees.

"Sky, let's go home! We're not supposed to be out here this late! Shoot, nobody is supposed to be beyond the Wall." I snapped quietly as she stopped and looked at me. Her eyebrows raised up a little ways and that caused wrinkles to grow on her forehead.

"Don't tell me you're scared!" She laughed. I huffed and started walking again. "Look, Austin! The reason I'm out here is because I'm looking for my Mom.." Her mom? I thought we were looking for her werewolves.

"Why would you drag me into this!? She went missing when the Black Out went around ten years ago! She's probably dead!" I yelled and then regretted it when she backed away from me.

"Austin, I could still have hope! Do you know what it even feels like to lose someone you love!? NO! You don't!" She yelled back! "My mom was the only thing I had left in this world!"

"Skylar I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have yelled at you.." I whispered as I held my arms out to her.

"No. I get it. You just feel bad for me now. Why don't you go off and leave me to find my mom on my own." She stated calmly and turned around to walk away.

"Sky no! You know I can't do that! It's too dangerous out here for you to be out here on your own!" I said a little too loudly.

Skylar turned around, her brown hair swinging out from her body as she moved. "Look, you're good at climbing things. Climb that tree and wait for me to come back." She pointed to the tree I was standing next too and I noticed that It was a pretty easy climb. My eyes looked up to the dark sky and I sighed regrettably. "I'll see you soon." She whispered as I began scaling the huge tree. "I have my gun, so I should be fine." I looked over and saw her walking away. Her red tank top stood out to me, and so did her khaki shorts that only came down a little ways past her butt. Her military boots crunched any stick or leaf that it came across.

I reached a good branch and sat on it and waited for Skylar to return. Her being out there wasn't a good idea. I mean sure her dad is in the N.D.L and he'd train her when he wasn't fighting for our country, but it isn't safe. Skylar was a good fighter. She could fight people three times her size and that were way stronger than she was and she could still manage to beat them. Not to mention she was a sharp shooter.

Skylar was a beautiful girl who wasn't scared of anything but losing her dad. I mean she lost her mom in the Black Out ten years ago, and that's what caused her to be almost fearless. Sometimes I think she's scared of losing me. We've always had each other's backs, and we never let one another get away with a secret. I always tell her everything, and I know she tells me everything.

"AAAHHHHHH!" someone screamed. I jumped and quickly grabbed onto my branch so I wouldn't fall. My heart started racing again as I quickly climbed down the branches calling out Skylar's name.

"Skylar!" I yelled out frantically. "Skylar what's wrong!?"

"Austin help! Help! Austin!" I heard her faint voice mixed with some growls, barking, and howling. "AHH! Austin hurry!!" That last sentence made me jump off the branches and land on my ankle the wrong way.

"Ah! Fudge!" I yelled but I got back up and turned on my flashlight and grabbed my gun from its holder and started limping. "Skylar?" I yelled, every step I took my heart raced a little faster. I didn't hear Skylar's cries for help, but I also didn't hear the growling stuff anymore. "Skylar?!"

Everything got absolutely silent. "Skylar! Stop playing around! You know this crap scares me!!" I yelled into nothing. Sighing, I closed my eyes and that's when I heard a faint snap of a twig. Growling instantly came from my left and I felt my heart beat go faster then I ever had before.

As soon as I spun around I was knocked to the the ground. My eyes snapped open to see a pair of bright blue glowing eyes staring back at me. "Holy fudge bunnies." I whispered as I went to grab my gun but something but my ankle that I had fell on earlier, and started dragging me through the forest. "Let me go!" I yelled as I started kicking the spot where it had a painfully strong grip. "Ahhh! Help! Somebody help!" I screamed terrified. I heard the echoes from my plea and realized the the base wasn't too far away. "Help me! Anyone! Please!" I pleaded once more before I felt a sharp pain and then passing out.


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