Bakugou VS Izuku

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(Right after the last chapter, Izuku rushed to Recovery Girl's office with Itsuka in his arms.)

Izuku:(Mind) Please be ok, please be ok.

(Izuku keep saying that in his mine as if it was on repeat.)

Izuku: Recovery Girl!

Recovery Girl: What is it?

(Recovery Girl sees Itsuka unconscious in Izuku's arms)

Recovery Girl: Place her on the bed!

(Izuku places Itsuka carefully on the bed)

Recovery Girl: I need the room.

Izuku: But what about-

Recovery Girl: Now!

(Izuku leaves the room and lean's on the wall)


H Zangetsu: Hey buddy, you good?

Izuku: No, I'm angry.

H Zangetsu: So what are yo going to do about it?

Izuku: You know what I'm going to do.

H Zangetsu: Then do it.

(Izuku heads to the break room to think)
(Time skip)

Present Mic: Will Izuku Midoryia, please come to the area.

Izuku:(Mind) Here we go.

(Izuku take's off to the arena)
(Izuku walks up the area and Bakugou dose the same. When both students step on the arena, they stare at each other)

Bakugou: I'm going to take you down just like your weak friend.


Bakugou: What's the matter, too afraid to talk?


Bakugou: About time you shut up.

Present Mic: The final match begins in: 3....... 2....... 1......... GO!!!!!!!

(Bakugou sends a giant blaze of explosions aimed at Izuku.)

Bakugou: Take that you weakling! I will win this tournament!

Izuku: Really?

(Bakugou turns around and sees Izuku in perfectly fine condition. Then Bakugou jumps back, gaining distance.)

Bakugou: How? How are you doing this?!?!? It doesn't make sense!

Izuku: This happened to me because of my hard work and training. Maybe if you actually trained instead of showing off, you might be a little closer to hitting me.

Bakugou: Shut up! I am better than you!

Izuku: You know your basically saying the same from the hero vs villain exercise. Do you just love hearing the sound of your own voice or are you just living in the past?

Bakugou: "Living in the past?" What the hell dose that mean!

Izuku: It means you've still the kid who just got his quirk. You think you can just order people around or shove someone to the ground because they're bothering you?

Bakugou: Get to the point!

Izuku: My point is, you haven't grown sense you got your quirk.

Bakugou: Are you stupid? I'm taller than 4 year old me.

Izuku: I don't mean physically. Although that would make sense. What I meant was, you haven't changed mentally or emotionally.

Bakugou: What the fuck does that mean, you stupid nerd!

Izuku Midoriya: Soul Reaper of UAWhere stories live. Discover now