2-A vs 2-B

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The next day after Midoriya's return to UA, our main character could be found down in Training Field Gamma with a set of targets that Snipe had helped him set up so that he could continue to improve his accuracy with his firearms, which had now been configured to fire simunition, the closest type of ammo that Izuku could use without killing anyone.

Along with that, he was also fighting three Ectoplasm clones in order to improve his hand to hand combat so that what happened with Miruko would never happen again.

He dodged a fist to his head from the right while pulling the trigger on his pistol in his left hand at a target, hitting it dead center, while also throwing a right knee into one of the clones causing it to turn into a puff of smoke. He then holstered both of his firearms and threw consecutive punches and kicks into the remaining clones. Causing them both to disappear in puffs of smoke.

At the end of his training, the t-shirt he was wearing, was torn effectively in half. Exposing the bulging muscle and tattoos that he had gotten during his time as a vigilante. Out of breath, he went and grabbed a towel, using it to wipe the sweat off of his body.

"I must say, Midoriya, while I don't approve of your methods of lethal force, your efficiency in hand to hand combat has improved ten fold of what you were at when you first started here. I couldn't be more proud of how far you have come my boy." The real Ectoplasm said, complimenting the former vigilante.

The boy bowed his head in shame, "I'm sorry Ectoplasm-Sensei, it was the only way I could get the information I needed as well as crackdown on the crime rate in my hometown as well as gain control of the drug ring to ensure they didn't sell to kids." The boy apologized, fully regretting his actions. Yet he felt proud. Proud of the fact that he now knew that drugs would no longer be sold to children and that his hometown was crime free due to the fear of him. He sat down on the bench beside him tiredly, hanging his head.

The clone quirk user sighed and sat down next to the boy, "I understand, but what you to realize is that we cannot let our anger get the best of us. You're a true hero my boy. As a wise old turtle once said, "There are no accidents." What happened to you was supposed to happen because that was you're fate. But now you're back training as a student, we have to end the use of lethality unless absolutely necessary. I'm going to honest with you for a second, I've killed before, only once but the villain would have mild a family of five if I hadn't taken action. I still live to regret that action every day of my life."

Izuku nodded his head, "I can't sleep. Every night all I see is the face of my mother on the night that she was killed. She blames me for not doing anything when I couldn't even garner the fact that I had been kidnapped and then tortured and then finally nearly killed. All I know is that it's my fault my mother is dead and I can't even bring myself to visit her grave."

Ectoplasm nodded his head, "I believe that you should go see Hound Dog for therapy. I know that it's going to be a long and slow process, but you will feel better in the end. I also believe that when you are ready, you should go visit your mother's grave and have a long conversation with her about what's happened to you since you last truly saw each other. Believe me when I say that you will feel better in the end."

Izuku stood up, "Thank you for the eye opener Sensei, I'll be sure to tell Aizawa-Sensei that I'll be out for awhile. Do I bring the girls with me when I go visit my mom though?"

"They're your support system Midoriya, if you feel that you will need them, then absolutely bring them with you." The teacher told his student while standing up as well.

With that, the two went their separate ways, one going to take a shower to think about the conversation he just had and the other to his office to report to Nezu what he had learned about the latter during his training session. Ectoplasm wrote a email to the principal and told him what he had observed from the training session. He mentioned how the boy would be talking to Hound Dog about what had happened to him during his time while he was away.

Izuku Midoriya: Under The Red HoodWhere stories live. Discover now