004 - The Beginning

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Astrid was packing her travel bag as she prepared for her mission. She and the rest of B.A.P were used to going on such missions and therefore always have a travel bag prepared for such situations. However, this time around, they were unsure of how long their mission will last and what kind of scenarios they will be facing. They do not even know where exactly they are going. True that they have gone on countless missions, but they were usually sent to the Dimensions nearest to them. The ones that further away have never been visited before and nobody knows what is to be found there. Despite all that was said to The Three Sisters just now, Astrid has to admit that even if she was very confident in their skills, this mission still brings about a large risk and that all of them have to be careful.

She looked down at the things that she had packed and her eyes landed on her weapon. It is a black sharp pronged shaped metal baton; with two curved prongs projecting from its handle. When shined at an angle under light, it gleams black and purple. Circling up the handle was carvings of runes of the deepest purple, dangling from the handle was a burgundy amulet shaped like a serpent's head with the same carvings. No matter how much research Astrid has done, she has never come across a similar weapon. She knew not of its origins, of its creation process or what the runes even meant.

When going out on mission trips, Astrid has never brought her sai out with her as she was unsure of how to use it or if she had the abilities to control such a weapon. However, with the severity of this mission and the danger that they might be facing, Astrid has decided to bring it along, hoping that it might be of use to her one day. She held it and no matter how she changed her stance, it still felt foreign in her hands. She shook her head and placed it into her bag with her other necessities. As she was zipping up her bag, someone knocked on her door.

"Come in!" Astrid called out.

As the door opened, Daehyun stepped in with his own travel bag slung across his shoulders. "Are you ready, Astrid?"

"Yeah, I just finished packing. Shall we go?"

The both of them stepped out of the room as Astrid turned around and gave her room one last look. I don't know when I'll be back, but I hope it'll be soon.

Astrid and the rest of B.A.P gathered in the Dimension Travel Room as they waited for The Three Sisters. No one said a word, even Zelo, as the weight of the mission seemed to be pressing against their shoulders. All of them knew the importance of success and the risk that they were facing, which made it impossible for them to say a word to one another.

Soon, Kyleigh and Zelda entered the room supporting Saige by her arms. Saige seems to be getting better, but her prophecy readings always left her lethargic and weak. Jongup walked over and held onto Saige, while Kyleigh stepped forward to address the group.

"I see that all of you are ready for your mission. I sincerely pray with all my heart that you will be safe and successful in your mission. You are the bravest and smartest group in the Core, and I have absolute faith in your skills."

"The coordinates have already been keyed in. Your first destination will be the Steel Dimension. You have been there before, so I'm sure you'll be able to complete your mission quickly and proceed on. Best of luck, B.A.P." Zelda said as she gestured to the Dimensional Door.

At first glance, it might look like a typical wooden door, but close examination will reveal carvings in the wood that resembled three overlaying circles with 1 dot in the middle and 12 others along with the other circles. These dots represented the Core and the 12 other Dimensions. Around this image were runes that vary in designs and sizes. Even though B.A.P has travelled through this door multiple times, not one of them knew its meanings and never bothered to ask before.

Yongguk nodded and stepped forward to the door, as he pulled it open, all that can be seen inside were twirls of moving colours. Nothing concrete can be visualized from within. Yongguk turned around and gave everyone a brief glance before stepping into the swirling image. As he did so, the colours flashed a bright white light and Yongguk vanished from sight.

Next was Himchan, who slung his bag higher onto his shoulders and stepped through without a backward glance. Youngjae followed him afterwards. Jongup, who had been standing beside Saige the whole time finally released her hand. He looked into her eyes and gave her a reassuring smile before stepping through the portal as well. Zelda immediately held onto Saige as she collapsed onto the floor, a look of pain in her eyes. Zelo could not bear the weight of Saige's sadness and quickly stepped through the door, leaving Daehyun and Astrid behind.

"Go on Astrid, I'll be the last in case anything happens," Daehyun said as he pushed Astrid towards the door. Astrid turned around and gave Saige a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of Jongup" before she stepped in through the door as well. Daehyun waited for a few minutes to ensure no one was pushed back through the Dimensional Doors before stepping in as well. As the bright light faded away, the door closed itself and it was as if no one passed through it before.

"Now we leave it to them." Saige declared. 

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