002 - The Usual, Or NOT

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After the usual morning routine of listening to Saige's prophecy readings, Astrid and Daehyun went back to the training room. As they entered, they saw Zelo and Youngjae sparring in the corner of the room. With their speed and agility, all that can be seen was a blur of shapes and a pink blob which happened to be Zelo's hair. At that moment, Zelo did a backflip and swept his feet under Youngjae. Youngjae jumped up to avoid but Zelo's hand came out at that moment and threw a punch that collided with Youngjae's chest. Youngjae flew back and landed nimbly on his feet, looked up and grinned.

Zelo cheered and ran towards Astrid to give her a big hug. "Saw that, I finally beat Youngjae!"

Astrid smiled as she scanned Zelo's physical appearance for injuries. From his face with his downturned eyes, pointed nose, pink lips and ears clad in black dangling earrings; to his thin body which was covered in his black skin-tight training gear that showed his collar bones with two-star tattoos; and down to his legs which were also covered in training gear and a pair of black covered shoes.

"Do you think without my training, you'll be able to beat me so easily?" Youngjae sarcastically asked as he lightly jabbed Zelo on his shoulder. Youngjae who was also clad in training gear and covered shoes looked over at Astrid as she laughed. His brown hair was cut bowl-styled over his head; with a bulbous nose and thick lips over a triangle face.

"We heard about what happened just now. Is Saige okay?" Asked Zelo.

"Should be. She was carried off by her medical team. But she did add a new line to her prophecy today." Astrid replied.

"Anybody knows what it means?" Youngjae asked.

With his head shaking, Daehyun replied. "Nope, but Youngguk and Himchan are having a meeting with the two other Sisters. I'm sure we'll be getting an answer soon."

"Where's Jongup?" Asked Astrid as she looked around the training room.

"Saige collapsed, so where do you think he'll be?" Replied Zelo.

"True, true. Oh well, I guess we can only wait. Let's continue training then." Daehyun said as he walked off to the changing room.

"I guess..." Astrid said as she walked off to change as well. 

The group continued to spar for a few hours when the large wooden doors opened and in walked a man wearing a black cashmere sweater over dark blue jeans and a pair of shiny black shoes. His dark red hair was styled stylishly over a sharp face with brown upturned eyes; a sharp nose and thin even lips. He looked over at the group and strode over with his pair of long legs. "The Three Sisters wants to speak with us. Yongguk and Jongup are waiting at Saige's quarters so let's go."

The group looked at each other with curious expressions before nodding their heads.

As one, they headed out of the door and towards Saige's quarters at the other end of the wing.

"What do you think she wants to tell us?" Zelo whispered as he and Astrid walked behind the rest of the group.

"I'm betting it's to do with her prophecy this morning. Most probably another mission." Astrid replied excitedly.

Both of them grinned at each other as they silently guessed what their new mission would comprise.

Author's Note: Hi guys, how do you find the past two chapters? Hope you guys enjoyed it! 

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