001 - The Prophecy

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Twelve dimensions, one core yet facing the same fate. Darkness is approaching, action must be done soon. Twelve guardians, one common enemy. The journey starts now, to gather all into one... Twelve dimensions, one core yet facing the same fate. Darkness is approaching, action must be done soon. Twelve guardians, one common enemy. The journey starts now, to gather all into one...

She repeats as she sits cross-legged in her meditation state, with the ground around her shaking and trembling every once in a while. Fine dust falls down around her just like snow falls during winter and coats her silvery hair with ashy flakes. Despite all this, she remains seated, as if the world around her was not falling apart.

After a while, she abruptly opens her eyes, a bright light shines through her sockets, blinding the people around her for a split second before she falls over onto the ground.

The people around her regained their sights and the man nearest to her nonchalantly walked over and picked her up bridal style. It was as if this was common. With the assistance of his two other comrades, they brought the woman away to rest.

"No matter how many times I've seen this, I still get freaked out." Said Astrid to the man beside her.

She was a small petite girl with a head of long wavy hair dyed in different colours. Her face was shaped like a heart with rounded olive-green eyes lined with black, a small button nose and a set of small thin lips. Both her ears were covered with multiple piercings and she was dressed in a large black t-shirt with a pair of fishnet stockings and black military boots that laced up half her calf.

The man beside her, with a head of golden tousled hair, a pair of deep-set eyes, a high bridged nose and thick luscious lips. He too had multiple piercings down his right ear, with a small dangling sword hanging from the bottom of his ear lobe. He wore a leather jacket over a black tank top, black jeans and black military boots.

Daehyun turned over and looked at Astrid with a reproachful look and said, "you know it's not her fault. It's not like Saige wakes up one day and decides to be a prophesier."

"I know but she repeats the same thing every single time! If she's predicting the future, the future must be taking a long time to reach."

"Astrid, you know she has absolutely no control over this. But this time there seems to be an extra line to her prophecy" A deep voice murmured behind Astrid.

Yongguk with his 182 centimetres of height stepped beside Astrid. He wore a pinstriped cream shirt under a navy-blue blazer, navy blue tailored pants and brown loafers. His almond-shaped eyes carried a look of burden as if he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. He had a pointed nose; thin evenly shaped lips and a head of curly brown hair.

Astrid tilted her head to recall the words and said "The journey starts now, to gather all into one... I wonder what she means this time around."

The three stood looking at each other but no one knew what those words meant or what needed to be done. 

Author's Note: Hi guys, really hope you enjoyed the start of it. Took me a while to decide to post it so I really hope to receive your comments and opinions and look forward to more!

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