Chapter 16

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As we were walking we saw Linda coming to the bathroom she looked so pissed cause her date ditched her, well she deserved it but then her wide mouth opened as she saw my neck "are you guys kidding me now?" she said and I gave her an evil smile "what?" I said and then kissed him "ughhh what a day" she said and went in as we laughed at her and went to dance, it was a slow song and as four of us joined the others who were the dancing the song changed "heart beats fast color and promises .." " A thousand years" it was my favorite song "babe I can't dance though" he said "same but let's let the music lead as" I said as I putted my one hand on his shoulder and held his other hand by the other and he putted his other hand on my back, then we started dancing and it really was a really cute moment , I putted my head on his chest as he kissed my hair "I love you" he whispered "I love you more" I replied , after the dance we had some drinks I don't usually drink and it was kind of new to me but I didn't felt anything so I kept on drinking saying I am good.


she is drunk and O God she just looks so cute like this and even hot she sat on my lap , her eyes are about to be closed and she can't stand so I took the cup away from her then carried her and went to a couch then I put her down , sat then made her lay on my legs for a few moments, Madeline and Henry are nowhere to be seen maybe they are in the toilet I laughed by my silly thought "babe" she said with a slow voice "yeah" I replied "please don't ever leave me or betray me" she said and I really felt it, even if it was just a few days but I have really fallen for her and I don't wanna ever leave her or even think about any one else except her "never baby, never" I said kissing her hands, she was cold so I put my jacket on her , the time was running so fast and I remembered her mom's word, but she' already drunk, but have no other chance I will take her home and will stay with her if mom allows me did I just said mom? I mean I really felt like she's so close to me and saw that she cares too, I really wanna have a good connection with her

I hold her on my arms and then walked out of the party , put her in the car and as I was walking to the other door I saw Madeline and Henry , his shirt is so opened and can see her lipsticks all over his chest and she was drunk too , I laughed "well we both need to take care of our girls " he laughed "well yeah, drive safe buddy see ya" he said and I went in and drove , Creda was asleep so I tried to drive slow so she can have a little rest as she turned around her head was about to fall so i stopped her from bumping by my hand ,driving by my other hand , she seemed more comfortable now, she looks like a little girl and she's just relayed on me that was so cute , as we reached home i parked then slowly moved her head back and went out of the car to carry her , as i carried her and walking to her home her mom opened the door like she was waiting for us "O what happened" she seemed scared "ow no nothing she had little shots and fall asleep i didn't wanna wake her so i carried her in , i will leave after putting her in her bed don't worry " i said " mom can he stay for the night, i promise we will just sleep and won't do anything" she said and her mom laughed "sure dear" she said and i walked to her bedroom and her mom followed me too, i put her in with her cloth but it was going to uncomfortable for her to sleep with her cloth on "um, the dress" i said "don't worry wait for me down i will change her cloth and i wanna talk to you too" she said, i was wondering what she wanted to talk about , i nodded my head and went down ,a few minute passed and her mom came "Lucas do you want anything to eat?" she asked "ow no thank you" i smiled " okay then tell me if you need anything , and bout the thing" she sat and on the couch in front of me "look , i know what it is to be broken, i have felt it so hard when her dad left me, and trust me it was just sweet at the beginning when we were teenagers but i don't know what made him change , he treated me like i was the only girl alive just until i was pregnant, so please , you might say like no i love her and i won't do that but you and her have been together for somedays but my husband betrayed after a lotta years of relationship, so please don't break her, and don't break yourself too ,always think about both of you and stay with her if you only think really do want and need a future with her" "i love her, i know it have been few days but it's like I've known her since forever i feel safe around her and i am me with her, and am not gonna drop that for anything, and trust me i really want and need her to be in my future , don't worry Mr.s.. umm" "you can call me mom" she smiled tears filled my eyes "mom" i said and i was struggling not to be a cry baby, it's like she understood cause she told me to go to bed "but don't do anything okay" she laughed and i went to Creda she was sleeping peacefully her hair everywhere on the pillow i smiled, i hope i will see this view every morning , suddenly i found my self standing still staring at her even after a lot of minutes, damn i really love this girl

then I went to the bed and slept next to her she turned to me and slept on my chest , I was just so lost in her then I fall a sleep this should be one of the best night , even just the best night I have ever spent, the next morning I woke up and she was going out from the bathroom , I was lost last time I saw her like this and then fucked the shit out of her, I actually wanted to do that again too ,funny

"why are you looking fresh and hot while I am here" I smirked "well I can't help it, am naturally so hot" she laughed, "oh are you?, so do you want me to increase your body temperature too , and make your heart beat faster ?" I laughed , I wish all my mornings will be like this , having her around always is just a dream and I can't wait to make it true and I can't stop thinking about what her mom said yesterday , she mentioned about me moving in with them I don't know if she was being for real or not but I would love that, obviously the time really have passed glad we don't have school today "mom have gone to work and breakfast is ready too , am gonna wear my cloth then let's go and eat and you should wear your shirt too" she blushed "or you can wear that" I said "your shirt? " she asked "yeah sure why not, bet it will look cute on you " I said and stood up from the bed and walked to her then stood behind her and run my fingers on her hands she closed her eyes , then I moved her hair to the side and kissed her neck, the hickey I gave her was so obvious and I really was happy , it was like she was mine only , then I slowly removed the towel and kissed her back, then I got back to kissing her neck as I run my fingers to her navel , as I was moving down her navel "the food is getting colder" she said "no worries" I said and kept on going down "I hate eating cold food" she said "am cold, you hate eating me? I mean you never tried ,so wanna try?" "stoppp" she said and I laughed putting my shirt on her , she looked so cute with this black shirt then she smiled and "follow me wash your face and their is a new tooth brush you can use, then follow me and you will eat" she said "eat you?" "o c'mon how am I going to live with you if you are always being flirty , mom is wrong she was taking it so serious " "wait what? she mentioned that today too?" I asked smiling nonstop "yea she wanted you to be here until your ex finds a place " "that's cool , yea let's eat then I will pack my things then be back " she laughed "why the rush" "are you kidding me , I would've gone now if I wasn't hungry" I said and she laughed , I kissed her then went to the bathroom.


am so happy that he is so down to live with me but my mom wasn't being for real about him moving in with us she was just using her way of testing him , she wanted to know if he will be ready to spend his time with me with out hesitating or not, and it just was so cute, then I went down stairs waiting for him, he came with in a minutes he was in a rush to eat then to go to his home to pack, he still have tooth paste in his corner lip, that was just funny and I really was feeling bad "um babe" I said "yeah he said sitting to eat " you have a toothpaste right here I said pointing" "ow " he said and wiped it "I need to tell you something" "sure tell me" he started eating, "about what I said earlier, mom wasn't for real, she was joking and am sorry I played along with it, I just wanted to see your reaction" his face changed he was shocked "please tell me that you are kidding" he said "no am not, am sorry but , it's weird to live together with mom and we are not ready for that , we still are learning and we just started dating , so we will need time" he was sad "I just felt that this was home, how you made me feel and even how your mom is caring, I just liked it , that was why I was so excited to be here, but yeah, why the rush" he said looking down , I felt so bad " I mean you still can always come here and hang out with us, we will spend time , most of the time" I said and went to him and sat on his lap, "babe thank you, I mean that, and I love you " he said and he hugged me "but now let me eat my meal " he said and kissed me, then I stood and sat next to him and we ate breakfast then he wore his coat and told me to keep his shirt , I was happy cause I really do love his scent then he kissed me and went to his home telling me that he will come later

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