Dragon Games: Hatch the Dragons

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"Stand back, mother! I don't know how you escaped your prison, but I will not let you hurt my friends," Raven growled.

"Raven, I love that you're willing to fight with your magic powers, but you judge me too harshly." The Evil Queen took Raven's hands in hers, letting the fire get blanketed. "I don't wish harm."

"Nice try, Mom. I know your tricks," Raven said.

The Evil Queen laughed. "No tricks. It's not so hard to change."

Professor Rumpelstiltskin turned into a frog, startling me. "See? He just changed."

"Welcome to my world," Hopper said.

"Snow White, I am reformed. And now you have dragons. Why, what fun we could have had together," the Evil Queen reminisced.

Raven scoffed. "No more games, mother."

"You remember, Snow," the Evil Queen said, ignoring her daughter.

"We did have an epic rivalry. You versus me, it hexcited the whole school," Snow White remembered.

"Say, I could coach a team. Oh, if I wasn't sent back into the mirror. What do you say, Snow White? Or is the fairest of them all afraid of a little competition?" the Evil Queen questioned.

"If I recall, the crowds were cheering for me." Snow White hesitated. "Okay, you're on. You won't snow what hit you. I hereby grant the Evil Queen a temporary pardon!"

"What?" Raven snapped. "How can you trust my mom not to be evil when she just turned a teacher into a frog!"

"Evil? Okay, I'm changing him back," the Evil Queen said reluctantly. She changed him back. "There. Happy?"

"Happy? I'll be happy when you do something good that's not part of some bargain," Raven snapped. "Find me when you do."

Raven walked away, with Darling trailing behind. Jonas frowned at me. We both knew this would not end happily ever after.

"We two queens will be your coaches. Tomorrow, we will choose our captains and teams. Let us begin a new era of Dragon Games!"


"Oh my godmother, you're adorable!" I gushed, playing with Pearl.

I heard a roar of protest and turned. "You are a big, strong dragon. You are elegant."

I got up, pulling the rope to the food trays. The trays filled, and the tiny dragons eagerly ate. I let the evil dragons out afterward and let them eat their food.

"Woah," I said as Maddie's dragon blew a small puff of air. It blew against my leg, thankfully. Pearl jumped up on me and I held her like I was holding a cat.

"Jonas, a little help," I called.

"Here," Jonas said, using Kai to help round them into the wide pen. He closed the gate and watched them play. He grabbed me and we sat against the wall, facing the pen. His arm was around me and my head was lying on his shoulder.

"This feels nice," Jonas admitted, sighing. He kissed the top of my head.

"Are you doing this because I haven't given you attention?" I asked, smiling as I looked up at him.

Jonas shrugged. "We haven't had time to ourselves. And, I do want the attention, but I also want to reciprocate the affection I get from you."

I hummed, smiling at him. I let him give me a quick kiss before turning back to watching the dragons. Mine looked at me with puppy dog eyes and Jonas chuckled. I looked up at him with the same eyes, and he kissed me immediately.

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