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I was working on my float for Thronecoming, since I was the one representing the Cinderella story. I finished messing with the minor details on the carriage that Farrah created.

"Otto, Flick," I called, clicking my tongue. "Where are you, friends?"

"(Y/n). What do you think?" Otto asked.

I marveled at the representation of my grandmother's dress. Cinderella's mother. It was the same dress that my evil step-aunts ripped up.

"It's so beautiful," I breathed. "I love it so much. Thank you, both of you."

I heard gasps around me and turned. Jonas walked toward me, holding out his hand. I lifted my skirt slightly and climbed down. "Thank you."

"A proper prince etiquette." Jonas shrugged.

"You—you think I'm being selfish?" Apple questioned, making me raise an eyebrow.

"All you care about is your own happily ever after. Have you not even looked at your brother? He doesn't even know his own, and all you care about is whether you get poisoned," Raven argued.

"You know, because you didn't sign the book, all of our stories could go poof. We could all go poof!" Apple realized.

"Apple, don't be rash," Jonas warned.

"But we didn't," Raven reasoned.

"Yet. Raven, I don't want you to sign the book for me. I want you to sign it so that nothing bad happens to the people that I love, including you. If you ask me, you're the one being selfish," Apple said sadly.


Madame Yaga stayed in her chicken house as we walked deeper and deeper into the Enchanted Forest and farther and farther away from the school.

"Very good. That's far enough," Madame Yaga said. "Now, you're about to discover a most unique building here at school. It's called Heritage Hall!"

"Madame Yaga? Where is it?" Cupid asked.

"Well, you see... Heritage Hall is a magical structure! It only appears during Thronecoming."

A building appeared out of thin air. We walked up the gold steps, marveling at the glass. Each glass frame represented a story. "Heritage Hall is dedicated to those who came before you—your parents, the alumni of Ever After High. Now, if everyone will gather around the Storybook of Legends, I'd like to tell you about your Thronecoming treasures," Madame Yaga instructed. "When your parents were students, they were given the chance to leave gifts for any of their children who might attend this school."

"Yes, well, let's get to it," Headmaster Grimm interrupted.

We cheered and rushed to our stations. Ash and I walked over to our mother's glass window. I held the pocket watch up and smiled. It had a small, simple orange pumpkin on the front. I opened it and noticed that the time was five minutes early.

"What does this do?" Ashlynn asked, pushing a button on the side.

Blue magic swirled out of the clock. We gasped as the magic changed our outfits ever so slightly.

"It's a bit of Fairy Godmother's magic," Ashlynn realized.

"And it obviously does its job," I muttered, smiling at my sister's new look.

"You're going to be the best Cinderella," Ashlynn assured me.

"Thanks, sis," I said with a smile.

I looked over at Jonas and noticed a bag. It was a little worn, but it worked. A small blue heart key chain was attached to it. I furrowed my eyebrows as it glowed. Jonas was reading a note when the key chain pointed... at me.

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