Chapter 5

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Maddie's POV

We're halfway into this month, and it's been AMAZING!
Sky and Dylan have stopped bye a few times and met all the Weasleys, except the ones that were away. Sky, Dylan, Harry, Ginny, Ron and I have become some sort of a group.

And the food at the Leaky Cauldron is really good.

I'm sharing a room with Ginny, Harry's sharing with Ron, Fred and George are sharing a room, and Percy has a room to himself.  Harry and Ron are basically besties now. They do everything together!

Ginny and I have gotten extremely close too. We kind of look alike! We both have red hair, we both have freckles, but our eye colour is different. She has chocolate brown eyes, and I have brownish green eyes. Our personalities are pretty different though. I mean, we both hate all the stupid stereotypes, and, according to Harry and Ron, we're both slightly mad. But other than that we're pretty different.


Ginny and I frantically trying to find one of Ginny's socks that went missing when Harry and Ron waltzed in.

" Uh, have you ever heard of knocking?" I said, rolling my eyes

Harry just rolled his eyes and said " Well, Dylan and Sky are here.

Ginny and I abandoned any search for the missing sock and rushed downstairs, with Harry and Ron on our heels

We excitedly ran out to meet them, but then I accidentaly bonked into Molly (Mrs. Weasley).

" Oops! Sorry Molly! I wasn't really paying attention" I said sheepishly
" oh you're fine, dear!" Molly laughed and gave me a pat.
" Mum, we're going to meet Sky and Dylan, be back in a bit!" Ginny said, then proceeded to yank me out the door.

I sprinted outside with Ginny and the two boys, and ran until I saw them and stopped about 5 inches away from them.

"Hi!" I yelled in their faces
" why hello there" Dylan grinned, and blew a piece of hair out of her face.

"Want to go get some ice cream?" Ron suggested as his stomach growled, and the rest of the group agreed.

Dylan turned to me, with a grin on her face, and said " Race you there!" Before promptly running off without me.

I pouted for a second and then took of after her.

Once we were all sitting around a table eating our ice creams, Harry finally asked the dark haired girl, " can you finally tell us why you're last name is so important?"

Sky shrugged and said dramatically " My name is Skylar Lillian Black, daughter of Marlene McKinnon, and Sirius Black." Then Skylar sighed and continued less dramatically

"My dad is, according to the ministry, a mass murderer. He's in Azkaban, he has been since I was little. And my mum, well, Voldemort killed her and my grandparents. "

I immediately felt bad for Skylar. And by the looks of it, so did everyone else.

" I'm sorry for asking " Harry said apologetically Skylar just shrugged with a smile and said "well now you finally know, Haz"

Harry rolled his eyes at the nickname, and took a huge bite of ice cream

"Hmmmm, you know, I think Skylie suits you better" I said with a sly smile, and Skylie groaned.

"If I get a cringy nickname, then everyone gets a cringy nickname" She said defiantly " Maddie, you'll be Mads, or...ooooooh! I'm calling you Maddisaurus!" Sky said with a laugh

"you know, I'm going to call you that too!"

" shut up, Gin-Gin"


"So then there's Ronnie, Hazzy, and.... Oooh! Dylano!"

" You all suck!"

A/N This is just a filler chapter cause I don't know what to write. Also, I'm really sorry for not updating since, like, March. I just couldn't find the insperation to write this story.

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