Chapter 1

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Maddison's POV

My name is Maddison Potter as you might of guessed. Well, my full name is Maddison Marlene Potter, but I go by Maddie or Mads. My twin brother, Harry, and I were doing something pretty normal. Cooking breakfast for the Dursleys. More specifically, cooking for Dudley's birthday.

"What should we cook?" asked Harry.

"Just throw some fruit on a plate and serve it with big fancy-ness" I shrugged sleepily, I hate mornings.  "Oh we should also add some bacon" Harry annoyingly added.

"Why do you try so hard for them?" I have asked Harry that question soooooo many times, and he never changes his response.

" well, first of all, I don't want to be locked up in a cupboard" stated Harry matter-a-factly, and I just rolled my eyes. I really hate mornings. Anyway, while Harry cooked the bacon, I got out watermelon and strawberries. When the food was done, we set it on the table with big fancy-ness. I decided to be a rebel, so I sat down and took a piece of bacon, getting a glare from all three Dursleys.

"What, can't a girl eat in peace!?" I exclaimed, and Harry covered his laugh by coughing.


"Another word, Potters" Threatened our no-necked-hippo- uncle, uncle Vernon.


Sooooo, we went to the zoo, talked to a snake, and set the snake on Dudley. Oh and Harry and I are stuck in our cupboard under the stairs. (A/N yes, I skipped the zoo part cause everyone knows what happens, its boring, and I was too lazy to write it.)

We had been spending weeks in our cupboard, and were only let out to cook for the Dursleys and go to the bathroom (we would sneak bits of food when we cooked).

Today, Petunia FINALLY let us out.

" AIN'T IT NICE TO BE FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" I screamed as soon as I got out. After that I got a scolding from Petunia.

" Potters, go get the mail" said Vernon as soon we walked into the kitchen.

"Hello to you too" I said sarcastically waving my hand.

"Get the mail" Vernon repeated, narrowing his eyes threateningly. 

"Jeez" I muttered rolling my eyes, and skipped obnoxiously to get the mail with Harry.

There was a post card from Marge, a bill, and two letters addressed to Harry and I. WE HAVE LETTERS!!!

Ms. Maddison Potter

The cupboard under the stares

4. Privet Drive


Harry and I walked into the kitchen, and Harry put the mail on the table while keeping ours. I was about to open MY letter, when Dudley shouted " MUM, DAD! MADDISON AND HARRY HAVE A LETTER!"

That stupid nasty dim-witted pig.

The letters were snatched from our hands, and Vernon flipped the letters over and shrieked like a little girl. Harry then got very angry.

"THOSE ARN'T YOURS! GIVE THEM BACK!" he yelled at Vernon, getting real close to his face. 

Vernon ripped the letters in half, then told us to go to our cupboard. I did a weird dance thingy back to our cupboard, earning several laughs from Harry.

A/N Heyyyy! There's the first chapter! Just so you know, this story will be a mix of the books and the movies, with some of my own stuff. What did you think about the casting?  All copyright goes to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. except my own stuff.


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