07: You're a Keeper [Y6]

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A/N: Hello everyone! This oneshot is about a Ravenclaw Keeper who catches Moony's eye. This oneshot is for CloveHp (you should seriously go read her story Northern Lights, she's fantastic) who helped with the ideation. I hope you like this!! It's super long XD please vote and leave comments!

Word Count: 2145


"Mooooooooonyyyyyy...Moooooooooonyyyyyyyyyyy?" Remus blinked twice and hurriedly turned to look Peter, who had been calling his name. The Marauders were sitting in the library before dinner, trying to finish their homework. 

"Sorry Pete, what did you need help with?"

"Can you check my History of Magic essay? I think I mixed up some names in the Goblin Riot part."

"Sorry Wormtail, Remus is busy." Sirius commented, smirking at Remus.

"Yeah, busy staring at a certain Ravenclaw Keeper." James added. Remus turned a dark shade of red as the other three boys at the table snickered loudly. 

"Shut up," he muttered, and leaned across the table for Peter's essay. He began to skim through it, using his wand to correct the spelling errors on the piece of parchment. The remaining Marauders began discussing their Divination homework. 

Remus sighed as he reached the end of the parchment, and handed back the correct essay to the immensely grateful boy. "Thanks, Moony!"

"No problem..." Remus trailed off as his gaze once again rested on the Ravenclaw Keeper. She had long, raven-black hair that was plaited neatly at the back and reading glasses were perched at the end of her nose, slightly lopsided. Soft pink lips moved as she read the text to herself, eyebrows furrowed. Sighing, she tugged at a few loose strands and then groaned loudly. Clearly, she was confused. Remus contemplated going up to her table to offer help, when he heard James' voice next to his ear.

"Oi, Moony, do you even know her name?"

Remus jumped, surprised at the proximity of James' face. "Er...no..."

"Well if you're going to ask her out, you better learn it quickly."


"RISE AND SHINE, QUIDDITCH FANS!" James shouted. He leapt out of his 4 poster bed and yanked open the curtains. Sunlight streamed through the window and right onto Remus' face. He groaned loudly, and threw a pillow at James, who caught it and threw it back.

Sirius and Peter, who were as enthusiastic about Quidditch as the Gryffindor captain began getting ready. Remus buried himself further under his sheets and muttered, "What an abominable game."

James let out a loud gasp, clutched his chest and fell back on his bed dramatically. "I have been severely wounded, get Madam Pomfrey!"

"Shut up, Prongs."

"Come on, Moony, your soon-to-be-girlfriend is playing! And you owe me for your Transfiguration essay. Out of bed, levicorpus!"

Remus let out a yell as he dangled in the air precariously. "Oh, fine, put me down, James!"

James grinned and dropped Remus, then began getting ready to go down to the Pitch. 

The four boys walked towards the Pitch excitedly. Remus had performed several warming spells on himself. It was January for Godric's sake, this was no weather to be flying in! His mind wandered to the Keeper yet again as he wondered whether she would be warm. 

Sitting on the stands, he frowned, noticing that his whole house was supporting Hufflepuff. Not that there was anything wrong with that, he would've simply preferred cheering for Ravenclaw like the Slytherins were. He sighed, then waited for the match to begin.

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