05: Solace in Fellow Outcasts [Y4]

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A/N: Hey everyone! In this chapter we're gonna see a little bit of Sirius and Lily's friendship! I've heard a LOT about James and Lily, even Remus and Lily but there's barely anything about Sirius and Lily, so here's some content for that!

This chapter took a lot of time, and I tried to keep it poetic and heartfelt. Please please please vote and leave comments! And thank you for reading this, it means a lot to me! :D

Word Count: 1725


"Oh, brilliant, the owls are here!"

Lily glanced up to see the large hall fill up with the delivery birds as they descended on tables and dropped off their packages. She scanned the ceiling of the Great Hall and a small smile found her face when an owl dropped her mail.

She quickly untied the rope keeping together her papers, and then unfurled the Daily Prophet. As she opened to the first page, a letter with a familiar scrawl on the front dropped out. Lily's heart stuttered. 


She picked up the letter reluctantly, running her eyes over the blue ink.

Lily Evans, Lion House, Magic School

She sighed. Letters from Petunia were never good news. Just then, the bell rang, signalling the start of the day's lessons. Lily shoved the letter in her bag, and rushed off for Herbology.


"Today you will encounter the plant known as Flitterbloom. It has swaying vines that neither flit nor bloom. It's best not to ask questions." Professor Sprout began.

She looked up as the door to Greenhouse 2 opened again. "Mr. Lupin and Mr. Pettigrew, you're late! 5 points each from Gryffindor."

The part of the class dressed in red groaned simultaneously, and Lily sighed. Gryffindor had been falling behind long enough due to those marauders. She hoped answering some questions would get them points.

Professor Sprout continued as Remus and Peter found their place next to their friends. "So, who can tell me a little about the Flitterbloom?" 

Lily's hand shot up amongst others of the Ravenclaws in the class.

"Yes, Ms. Evans."

"The Flitterbloom has a superficial resemblance to the Devil's Snare. However, it is harmless."

"Excellent, 10 points to Gryffindor!" she paused as a few whoops came from the same house. "And who can tell me where they are commonly seen or used? Mr. Bishop, go ahead."

"Since they're harmless, they're found in the gardens or homes of wizarding families."

"Correct, 10 points to Ravenclaw! Alright, now these Flitterblooms need weeding and watering. Grab a watering can and some scissors, and tend to their leaves. But be careful, cut off a moving arm and it might just start tickling!"

Lily walked over to the table amongst swarms of red and blue, picked up her tools and began to gently prune a Flitterbloom.


The rest of the day went by in a blur. Lily had Transfiguration, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, and then at last the day was over. 

She yawned for the umpteenth time as she moved her dinner around on her plate. She had barely gotten any sleep the night before, and after a long day of studying, she was exhausted. 

"Lils, you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine Marlene. Just tired."

"I wouldn't be surprised. You study as much as those Ravenclaws!"

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