Stay Alive For Me, Please

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"Kendra, if I ever meet someone as cool as you, it would have to be your daughter for sure." I laughed at what he said. But realization hit me like a punch in the gut. Would I even have a child? A husband? Even a future, would that be thrown away because of this crazy life I'm living. I was too young to die honestly, but I would lay down my life to keep my friends safe. They mean the whole frickin' world to me. What would the world be without them? Arin saw my panic and pulled me into a hug. He whispered something I couldn't understand but I knew he didn't want me to know. "Arin? What did you say?"


"I heard something."

"You heard wrong."

"Arin O'Connor, I'll chase you down a cliff."

I am so hurt Kendra." He puts his hand over his heart and sighs dramatically. I laugh at his acting and turn around. "Stop making a fool of yourself," Cynthia says. "Grow up."

"I'LL NEVER GROW UP!" He said before running off to who knows where. "Kendra? If I ask you for help in getting my brothers back, will you help?" I nodded. "Why?"

"I'm planning one leaving to find them."


"You can't stop me-"

"I won't stop you."

"Exactly, I knew it- wait what?"

"I'll let you go, it's your choice anyways."
"But why..." Her voice trailed off. "I mean, I don't wanna be a life-dictator so, yeah." She smiled at me, her green eyes filled with wonder and life. "But you'd better tell me if you leave," I said jokingly. She laughed and turned back to the eating areas.

Later that night I was laying down on my bed. Aspen was on his, sleeping and snoring loudly. I thought about the figure I had seen. A silent thought slowly became louder in my head. My dad was gone, forever. That feeling when tears are gonna form in your eyes but you hold them in, I was feeling that. To quote John O'Callaghan, 'Home isn't a place. It's the people who make it what it is.' I guess that means I had a home. But if people make a home, then I'd be willing to find a home here at camp. The sun started the rise in the east. The camp was emptier because there weren't that many year-rounders. At least I wasn't gonna be alone.

I had Arin and Cynthia. Looking at the sunrise on the hill was how I spent my morning. "Good morning Kendra, it's early isn't it?" I looked up to see Croix holding a note. "I found it in Cynthia's cabin." I snatched it, quickly reading what was on it. "What? No." She left me alone after what I said. I sat there, her note was shocking.

"Kendra I need to find my brother, please understand.

I told you I was going so don't be mad. Please take care of

Arin. Just make sure to stay safe, if you can't. I'll visit you

In Tír Na Anam :). (you know, if you die and all that


Signed, Cynthia"

Her asking me to take care of Arin caught me off guard for sure. She had left camp to find Mark. It was brave, believe me but I wish she hadn't. I said I wouldn't be a life dictator but I wish she could've at least taken me with her. "Kendra! Cynthia-"

"I know." Arin ran up to me holding a cup of hot chocolate. "Before it, all sinks in have Uncle Arin's hot chocolate." I laughed quietly. "Of course."

"She told me she was leaving by the way."

"She told you?"

"Yeah, she woke me up and said goodbye."

"Wow." It wasn't supposed to be a big deal but in the back of my mind, I was hurt. Was I not qualified for being told secrets? My thoughts were interrupted by Arin snapping in front of my face. "You zoned out there for a second."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's fine, but it was weird."

"Heh, I can be like that."

"Nope, you drooled." I wiped my mouth and laughed. "That was weird." He nodded, I smirked at him. "So you agree."

"Oh wait, no. Not like that-"
"YOU DID!" I pointed at him jokingly while he doubled over laughing. "I'm s-sorry it's just so funny." I flicked him playfully. We both were laughing on the hill. We must've looked like we were mad in the head. I dropped my cup of now cold chocolate all over Arin's shoes. He glared at me. "You deserve the worst punishment known to man-"

"Arin," I whined but he stood up. "TICKLES!"

He chased me around the hill for hours until we were sweating and panting. I fell back onto the soft grass. Taking in the sweet scent of grass wet with morning dew in the morning. My blonde hair was damp along with my shirt. "Arin?" He was lying down as well holding a bunch of flowers. He held them out to me. "Thanks, Arin." I held them tightly.

"They're stinging nettles by the way."

"What?!" I screamed and threw them to the side. I looked at my red, burning hands. "I'm not that nice Kendra." I remembered my father telling me, 'If you get stung by nettles, find dock leaves. Then wash it with soap.' I sat up, tears threatening to flow. Either from the memory of my father or the stinging of the nettles. Arin saw my tears and sat up concerned. "Oh, sorry I didn't-" I burst into tears and that spun him into a panic. He grabbed dock leaves and rubbed them on my skin before rushing me to a bathroom. He cleaned my arms with soap and water. "I'll bring you to the infirmary until you feel better."

I visited the infirmary for most of the day, I could've left but Arin insisted. The rest of the day was spent telling stories to each other. For once we could do things that you would do at a proper summer camp. We did arts and crafts while listening to music. We climbed trees, fell a good number of them as well. It was fun but we also trained and talked about things like, what to do if the Fomorians come to camp. We also talked about what would happen if you sat in a fountain of youth for a long time. Later that night me and Arin sat around the fire. "No matter what, you're gonna be stuck with me."


"I wish I wasn't."

"Take it back." I nodded. "Fine. Let's go."

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