Riding The Overgrown Lizard

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"Kendra Waters! You did it! Your dad would be so proud- when he sees you again." At the mention of my father tears formed. "He's gone." I burst into sobs which was pretty embarrassing. I don't 'pretty' cry, in my opinion, I look like I dunked my head in water with snot dripping from my nose. Mark, Cynthia, and Arin looked away. "Sweetness- Kendra, I'm sorry. You seemed like you really wanted to be able to see your dad again, I didn't have the heart to tell you." I was still crying, my mom looked sad as well. Her eyes glazed with tears. "Same." Arin and Cynthia said in unison. "It's fine, you did it to keep me safe."

"What did Wrath tell you?"


"Wrath, the spirit you saw."

"He showed me, my dad, getting killed by Fomorians." Danu gasped, Arin and Mark hung their heads low. "Most human parents get killed that way, worst case the godly parent must go to earth and kill the human parent." I looked shocked. "My mother did it for my dad." Cynthia didn't look sad at all. In my opinion, she looked like she had father issues. "Worst case once the half-blood leaves the nest, the Fomorians come now that the demigod, fae or aos sí protecting your family leaves with you, the Fomorians can feast on whatever mortal is left."

"You didn't seem sad at all saying that."

"Why should I? He called me a freak." A quiet silence filled the air. "Part of me knows it was right." Arin put his hand on her shoulder. "We're all freaks- except for your mom Kendra, no offense Lady Danu."

"It's fine, still his death shocks me."

"It does for me too."

"You should all go home. I'll have the Oilliphéist take you home through the river."

"Isn't that a monster?" Arin looked at my mother. "He will listen to me, he'll take you back home. Tell the others I have returned."

We reached the river bank. The Oilliphéist was waiting, eating a trough of fish. My mom pulled Cynthia aside for a while. I stood near them listening to the conversation. Not eavesdropping, listening to something you're not supposed to listen to. That was exactly what I was doing. "Cynthia, that bow and arrow of yours...."

"Heartfire, Lady Danu. My mother gave it to me when I was born."

"Yes, it was forged in the heart of a volcano. It takes years to master it. It's an honor to wield it."

"I know, my mother told me."

"I owe Morrigan an apology. Would you be willing to stay at the camp, Cynthia?"

"My brothers, Zane, could still change. Both of them.

"Would it help if I talked to your mother?"

"I'm not sure, you can try. She would listen, wouldn't she?" Cynthia said, looking down. Arin was clambering up the dragon along with Mark. I laughed at the sight of Arin kicking Mark in the face to get on top. "C'mon Thia." Cynthia nodded and followed me onto the dragon. The wind once again messed up my hair (like it wasn't messed up before). Arin was flailing his arms around while Cynthia laid back watching us like we were a sitcom. Mark overlooked the clouds. "So, Mar-mar. How's it going?" I joked but he looked up at me with teary eyes. "Oh, you okay?" He looked away as if to say 'I won't talk to you right now. I sat down beside him. "Did someone die?" He shook his head, a smile tugged at his lips.

"I left Zane there, with mom."


"I left my little brother Kendra, he's-he's just there." His voice trembled, I could feel he was panged with guilt for leaving Zane behind. "I have to go back for him, Kendra." The horizon seemed to glow with the setting sun. "Someday, maybe he'll find camp."

"If you left Aspen in a dangerous place, would you go back for him?"

"No," I answered way too quickly but with confidence. "Even if he's family?" I nodded my head. "Even if it was your responsibility to stay with him? Even if he is the only family you have left, with no friends?" I began to reconsider my answer. "Fine, I would."

"See, it's hard."

"He's still an idiot."

"He's your idiot. An idiot you have to take care of." The sun had disappeared in the clouds. The sky was painted pink, orange, and yellow. "You have a sister other than Cynthia, don't you?"

"Yeah, I've never met her. Mom hasn't even brought her to Tír Na Anam. I hope to find her soon though."

"I'll come."

"No, I'll go alone." He moved to sit beside Cynthia. I saw Arin still flailing his arms around. "Arin, what are you doing?"

"Feeling the wind, care to join me, m'lady?"

"You're being cheesy, just stop."

"I try."

"And you fail miserably." I joke at him. "Sorry about your dad." He spoke quietly. "It's fine, I got to say goodbye, didn't I?"


The night had come and we were not too far from camp. Stars twinkled in the sky like jewels. The moon was full and bright, a cool breeze calmed me down. "We're almost there." Arin looked around scanning for crows. Mark and Cynthia were curled up near the dragon's neck sleeping. I didn't feel like sleeping, not after the chaos of that adventure. Apparently, Arin thought the same and sat beside me. "Go to sleep Kendra. You've had quite the week." I laughed and looked at him. "I don't feel like it." He threw blankets at me. "The dragon's scales are uncomfortable," I said, clearly the dragon took it as offensive and growled quietly. "She didn't mean it," Arin yelled at the dragon. "Kendra?"


"Outlive me, okay?"

"I would rather die with you than die without you."

"I would rather die without you, than with you."

"Don't jinx it."

"It's okay."

"But to be clear, we die together."

"Of course, always and forever Kendra Waters." He looked away before going back to sleep. I crawled back to the cushioned-as-much-as-it-could-to-make- the-scales-bearable area. I looked up at the stars. The stars twinkled quietly, I imagined the sound of tinkling raindrops. The dragon slowly cruised along with the clouds. My eyelids drooped. "Always and forever." I quietly repeated before sleeping.

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