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calla | ace | others

dinosaurs existed way before saturn had rings; did you know that?

do you google this shit in your free time?

duh! i can't be born with the gift of knowing random facts now, can i? 

wouldn't it be cool if i did though?

don't you have anything better to do with your phone?

hey! don't judge. 

i don't have the will to do so, if you haven't noticed yet.

so... remember when you said something about your friend the other day? where is he? 

she moved in with her girlfriend last week. lives a few hours away now.

oh! what's her name?


well, don't worry grump. you have a new friend now who will make sure you don't feel lonely anymore.

i don't know why you don't seem to understand but i like being lonely.

which isn't something to be proud of, acey poo.

don't call me that.

why? you don't like it? i am really sorry if i-

has anyone told you that you are too gullible?

fallon says it all the time. she also says i am very cheery for a seventeen year old- whatever that means.

well, she ain't lying.

yeah, that's because she hates liars. i once told her that i did not finish her stash of cookies- which i did, by the ways- and she refused to talk to me for two whole hours. and whenever i talked to her, she went away from there. do you know how hurt i was? i said sorry a few hundred times and even bought her twice the cookies i had eaten. that's when she finally bega-

you talk quite a lot for your size, star.

what's wrong with my size? 


okay! so what if i am short? its not my fault, you know? 

of course.

blah blah blah! i am not listening to you because i feel really pretty today.

but you look pretty everyday.




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