Chapter 10: The Mistake

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Evensceen's POV.

I felt so warm in Fred's arms, like I should have been here a long time ago. He had just kissed me and now i was happy, for the first time in a long time. We sat in that position for the longest time, till something very cold hit my skin. The ground around us started to freeze, the grass turned slightly brown and the flowers wilting, The trees were no longer swaying and the warm wind turned icy.

"What's going on?" asked Fred.

"Dementors!" I replied. "Run Fred!”

We both dashed threw the woods together, with our wands out, "EVENSCEEN!" I heard Fred yell.

"YEAH?" I asked him.

"IF WE DIE, I JUST WANT TO LET YOU KNOW THAT, I LOVE YOU!" He replied. a smile spread across my face.

"I LOVE YOU TOO FRED!" I said smiling. I looked behind me to see three Dementors chasing after us. I quickly stopped running and turned around to face them.

"Evensa, what are you doing?" asked Fred, now stopping too.

I was face to face with the Dementors. One of them came to approach me, when I quickly yelled, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" A large silvery grizzly bear came bounding out of the tip of my wand. It was glowing so brightly, I had to squint my eyes. The Dementors quickly raced away leaving Fred and I standing there, panting. Suddenly, I felt woozy and weak. I felt the ground rush toward as my vision blurred and faded to black.  

"Is she ok?" I heard Fred's voice ask.

“Blimey Fred, that’s the fifth time you’ve asked me! Yes, she’s fine," I heard a voice that wasn’t familiar at all. I quickly sat up on the ground. I was sweating and breathing hard.

"Who are you?" I asked the redheaded guy in front of me.

"I'm Bill Weasley." He replied calmly.

"Were are we?" I asked.

"We’re still in the forest," Said Fred from behind Bill’s shoulder.

"Why are we not at the burrow, we should be at the burrow by now!" I said freaking out.

"We’re still in the forest, because the battle's still going on dum-dum," Bill said. I looked around me. We were under a huge rock.

"Am I alright?" I asked.

"Yes your fine," Bill said, sounding annoyed.

"I wanna fight, I don't wanna stay here much longer," I said stubbornly.

"You cant! not yet," was Bill’s reply.

"Evensceen, can I talk to you for a second?" asked Fred.

"Sure," I replied. He took my hand and led me behind a tree. "Are you ok?"  

"I'm fine," I told him.

We were both staring at each other deeply in the eyes. "I still love you, you know," He whispered to me. He leaned in towards me. His lips were so close to mine, when I pushed him away.

"What’s wrong?" he asked me.

"I-I just cant, Fred," I said looking down.

"That kiss was a mistaken kiss Fred. I didn't want that kiss to happen. It just...happened."

"Are you sure you didn't hit your head or something?" He asked me. Wow, I thought. The kid really was in love with me...maybe a little too much...

"No I didn't!" I said, pushing his hand away from my forehead in rising anger. "All I'm saying is that, right now, I don’t wanna be in a relationship right now."

Fred looked down at me, hurt. "Well can i at least get one last kiss before we 'Break Up?'"

I smiled at him. "Sure." He smiled back down at me, then slowly made his way towards my lips.

"What are you guys doing?" We heard Bill say from behind us. Fred and I both looked at him. "Uh, um...nothing we were just talking, right?" I said looking at Fred. Fred slowly nodded his head.

"Well um okay then." Bill replied, clearly confused There was an awkward silence when Harry, who apparently had some Felix Felicis, who broke the silence, with a huge smile, obviously way over-confident, "Well! It looks like the fighting is over so we should probably head back to the burrow."

Bill began to walk into the woods, as Fred and I followed. Bill and Fred were in a deep conversation, while I was following behind them like a lost puppy. I accidentally tripped on a branch, but Fred and Bill didn’t seem to notice. I quickly got up, not bothering to wipe the dust off, and began to look for the path we were walking threw. I pushed aside branches while trying to find them when out of a sudden I hear wild laughter around me.

That's when knew I was in trouble. Oh God, I thought to myself. Bellatrix Lestrange. I quickly began to run away when I felt something very painful hit my back. She hit me. I was thrown down on the ground in pain not being able to move, when I saw her face appear up right in front of mine, "Well hello darling," she said sweetly, even though it was obvious that she wasn’t so sweet anyway. I felt like screaming every time she did that. "How are you? Well I hope this ruins your happy time!" She took out her knife and quickly stabbed it into my leg.

I screamed bloody murder. I wanted to rip off my leg, or do something...anything to get rid of this pain.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" I heard a familiar voice yell from behind her. I looked up and saw Harry. He had dirt all over his face and was pointing his wand at Bellatrix. "Well, well, well. It’s the great Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived."

"Crucio!" he yelled. Bellatrix went flying in the air. Harry quickly picked me up and started to run towards t  burrow. My head leaned against his chest, and my eyelids closed slowly. I felt blood gushing out of my leg and my breathing was short and quick. I was able to move my hand and felt a warm, sticky substance I pictured as my blood.

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