Chapter 125: Saying Goodbye

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-NightMare: Well, it's worth a try.

NightMare walks away to get some space and sits down. She closes her eyes and takes deep soothing breaths. She then opens her eyes and is in the dark black space with dark red blood covering the surface. She takes a look at herself and sees that she is her normal self. She sees a bright fire in the distance. She walks up to it and sees NightMare laying down sadly.
She sits right beside NightMare, thinking of what to say.

-NightMare: Well, I know what your thinking. I hate to say it, but the princess is right. I have nothing left to feed off of. The love for your sister has overcome your hate and sadness. If I stay I will perish.

-Dark Knight: That's right, how could I forget. I know our relationship has grown into something confusing. I've wanted you gone for so long but, I'm afraid I won't know what to do with my life if you leave.

-NightMare: I know your good at many things, don't worry about that. Now, I think it's time we said goodbye.

They both stand up, and look each other in the eyes. They nod, and NightMare fades away. The blood on the floor starts to fade away as well, and the darkness starts to lighten up.

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