8 2 0

10:34 a.m.

Unknown number: Me: I was texting my friend..... Chillllll <(˘▽˘)>

10:57 a.m.

me: ?

Unknown number: It's a copy of what you texted me yesterday

me: and...

Unknown number: you texted your friend about me? (o.o)

me: yah so.. Is it against the law to text a friend about you or something?

Unknown number:  No, I'm just surprised you have any friends

Unknown number: Hey it was a joke!

11:03 a.m.

Unknown number: where did you go?

Unknown number: Come on!!

11:34 a.m.

Unknown number: Hey, look. I'm sorry alright? '-_-'

8 p.m.

Me: HAhaha that was funny!! 

Me: Sorry I didn't see your text

Me: was busyyyyy

Me: I'm so excited 


Unknown number: your in the spring play?

Me: what? no!

Me: the part I ordered from amazon came today!!

Unknown number: Oh, wait so you didn't get insulted before?



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Unknown number: Hey!! 8(>,<)8

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