The Headband

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The Fire Nation outer island, daytime. A mysterious cloud was scudding rapidly over the water. As it lights on one of the islands, voices emanate from it.

Aang: I think I see a cave below.

Sokka: Shhush... keep quiet!

The cloud disperses with a blast of air bending to reveal; the kids, riding Appa. Sokka dismounts and begins a furtive reconnaissance.

Sokka: Great job with the cloud camo, but next time, let's disguise ourselves as the kind of cloud who knows how to keep its mouth shut.

Toph: (Sarcastically) Yeah, we wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting up there and turn us in.

Sokka: Hey! We're in enemy territory. (Pointing to Toucan Puffin perched on a rock) Those are enemy birds.

One hopped down onto his head and squawks plaintively. The kids laugh. Sokka was unamused. They walk toward the cave, Sokka lurking behind. All of a sudden, he leaps over their heads to ward off some entirely imaginary threat. Peering suspiciously about, he dashes into the cave, followed by the rest of the gaang.

Sokka: Well, this is it. This is how we'll be living until the invasion begins. Hiding in cave after cave... after cave... after cave...

His head drops further to his chest with each repetition of the word.

Katara: Sokka, we don't need to become cave people. What we need is some new clothes.

Aang: Yeah, blending in is better than hiding out. If we get Fire Nation disguises, we'll be just as safe as we would be hiding in a cave.

Toph: Plus... they have real food out there. Does anyone want to sit in the dirt and eat cave-hoppers?

She punches the cave wall and several hoppers hop out. Momo catches one and begins chowing down. The kids appear revolted.

Sokka: (To Momo) Looks like we got outvoted, sport. (To the team) Let's get some new clothes.

~ ~ ~

They now stand behind a rock at a nearby Fire Nation laundry. Several items of clothing are hung on lines outdoors, suspended over steam vents.

Aang: I don't know about this. These clothes belong to somebody.

Katara: I call the silk robe!

She leaped from the rocks, ran to her prize, and snatched it from the line.

Suhara: I call the vest!

He leaped from the rock, to also to snatch his prize from the line.

Aang: But if it's essential to our survival. Then I call the suit!

Plundering ensues. The laundry's lone attendant, stealing a nap in the doorway, was oblivious. Aang ties the belt from his suit around his forehead to conceal his arrow.

Aang: Ta-dah! Normal kid.

Suhara now wears a crimson shirt, red pants, a rose and gold vest, and scarlet and light brown shoes.

Toph: Hmmm...I should probably wear shoes, but then I won't be able to see as well. (Sits down and grabs the shoe) Sorry shoes!

She popped out the sole with her foot which propels it into Sokka's face. She stands up and evaluates her new customized footwear.

Toph: Finally, a stylish shoe for the blind earth bender.

Katara: How do I look?

Aang, smitten, blushes, and then suddenly realizes there's a problem

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