Chapter 6: It's In My Nature

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I'm still trying to think of something as Stiles says, "Alright well first I want to get this all out there so after I finish you can ask questions, alright?" 

Scott just nods before Stiles continues but I speak before he does "Stiles you don't have too." He smiles at me saying "It's okay it needs to be said beside you promised." 

I look down before looking up and smiling at him as he speaks "Alright so there something you never knew, and Derek can second this but basically Void is my identical twin brother. 

The only reason I never mentioned him was because he was locked in echo house for pretty much the whole time, and I never found any reason to come out telling you. 

Not only was he in echo house but he was basically the black sheep of the family so when he was put in there my dad wouldn't visit but I would. 

Not long ago did I stop going and recently Void got released from echo house, so I tried to keep him hidden from you guys. When you came to my house Void was out and apparently met Derek. 

He came home where I tried to get Derek to leave but soon, he got a scent or whatever hinted to another presence, and he tried to kill me to get me to tell him. 

Void came out to prevent Derek from killing me and he even helped me get over a panic attack. He's nothing like the Nogitsune and he's my brother Scott, I'd like it if you guys got to know each other. Maybe trying to get along and become friends." 

I can feel Scott's inner strife as he thinks, and he looks over at me saying "I need to know and tell me the truth" he gives me a look as he continues "Would you kill me if given the opportunity?" 

I wouldn't because Stiles would never forgive me and I say "No, because I couldn't do that to Stiles and besides your Stiles's brother too, so that would technically make us triplets. 

I can't kill family and that's why I'm mad you killed one of my brothers. . . . But I understand why, and I thank you for saving the brother that means more to me than anyone. Even my own kind. 

I guess that's what we have in common Scott Mccall. We'll do whatever it takes to protect the ones we care about. But the difference is I'll even kill any and all threats along with anyone who gets in my way to save my family and friends. 

No matter the cost I'll do whatever I have to do to save them even if it means my life because anyone else is better than me and they deserve to live more than me. Either way Scott the short answer to your question is no." 

He looks at me before saying "Let him go." I get released and I immediately turn on my heel punching whoever and not caring who either as they back up a few steps from the impact. 

When they look up, I see an older guy with a V-neck shirt and remember Stiles telling me about Peter. That he said that Peter is basically Satan in a V-neck, and I laughed so hard that day. 

I smirk and say "Well, well, well I finally get to meet the famous Peter Hale." He turns to look at me and he smiles at me telling me "Well thank you it's nice to meet a second Stiles. It totally wasn't bad enough with one." 

I smirk replying "I'm glad because I'm actually worse than the Stiles and I'm a force to be reckoned with." 

He nods saying "Really well why don't you prove it?" I smirk as Scott buts in "No, no, no . . . No, if you want to go then go before you do something stupid." 

I frown and smirk telling Peter "I'll have to cash that one in later, but I'll be sure to cash it in at a later date." 

I salute him as I turn to walk over to Stiles as he says, "If you don't chicken out first." I turn to face him, and I let my fox out warning him "I'm no chicken and if you ever compare me to prey again, I'll add a wolf to that list." 

I real in my fox as I turn to Stiles saying, "Let get out of here." He nods as I feel pain along with other emotions and feelings. 

So, as we walk to the jeep, I tell him "Once we get home, I'll help you out." He looks at me before smiling at me and saying as we get in the jeep to drive home "Yeah sounds good to me and thanks" 

I smile and tell him as we start to drive home "I did make a promise and if you want, we can write up the rules, so I don't overdo it." 

Stiles smiles at me saying "Alright, also I hope you and Scott can learn to get along with each other." 

I grimace at the mention of Scott's name, and I say, "Yeah I'd like to get to know him better." Stiles smiles at me saying "Good, also I think now that everyone knows you exist you can go to school, would you even want to go to school?" 

I look at him in disbelief and explain "You're kidding me right, of course I want to go it's the best place to eat other than a hospital but it's the next best option and that way I can get to know Scott better. . . . Or feed from you along with other people." 

I can feel Stiles getting upset and he says to me "You will not and that will be put in the rules no feeding from people at school or anywhere in public. 

The only place allowed is our house and only from me or if you do feed from someone other than me, they have to give you permission. Got it!" 

I tell him "Alright and I have a question." He looks at me before looking back to the road saying "Uh . . . Okay? What?" 

I look at him asking "Well I couldn't help but feed from all the confusion in the room, but I noticed how one had enhanced feelings and my question is do you know who and if you do can I ask if they'd let me feed from them?" 

I feel Stiles get worried and even a little fearful as he says, "No you cannot, their off limits." I give a look and say "Interesting, you denied me asking but not that you didn't know them. 

Is that because you know I would be able to tell if you were lying to me and that make me wonder why you immediately felt worried for them. Is it Lydia, your girlfriend and . . . . Banshee." 

Stiles looks at me staring daggers into me as he warns "You stay away from her." I immediately say "Don't worry Sti I won't go anywhere near her. She's not my type anyway." 

I can feel him relax a bit as we pull into the drive, and we get out going up to the door. We go in going up the stairs and I tell him "I'm going to get a snack in the kitchen, you want anything?" 

He shakes his head and continues up the stairs as I go down the stairs to the living kitchen area. I look back up to see no sign of Stiles, so I go to the front door and open it going out as I see Lydia pull up. 

I hide behind the bush, and I change my clothes to look like the ones Stiles was wearing. I walk over as she says, "Hey Stiles, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the diner and relax at my house." 

I smile at her answering "That sounds perfect Lydia, let's go." I get in her car and as we drive away, I think to myself "Sorry Stiles but it's in my nature."

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