Chapter 3: Pack Member Finds Out

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I snap open my eyes as I sit up looking around and I stand up brushing myself off as I continue to look around. I look around as I start walking and I hear a twig snap, so I bolt away as my phone starts going off. I fumble to grab it from my pocket, and I silence it. 

I look to see it's Stiles and then a text comes stating "Hey Void I'm worried about you, but Scott left long ago so come home when you get this. See you soon. . . . . Hopefully." 

I smile and it falls just as fast. I text him back telling him about why I didn't come home, and he texts back "Alright just come home and I'll deal with it. Now get here." 

I look behind me and I start running as fast as I can to get home. I open the door slamming it behind me and I go upstairs to see Stiles coming down as I hear a knock at the door. 

I give Stiles a look and he gestures me to get behind him, so I nod going to my room. I shut the door quietly as I listen to them and hope they don't get suspicious.


I go down the stairs to the front door and open the door seeing Derek. He barges past me talking as he does "Stiles! What the hell! Why did you run from me? Why were you even out there in the first place?" 

I put my hands up and tell him "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down Derek and to answer your questions I ran because I need to make sure if things go bad, I'll run. 

So, I guess I thought I'd run but then when you came, I thought why not run from you. To answer the other question is that Preserve is a good place to practice with all the sticks and trees. So yeah, short answer for practice." 

He's looking at me but soon he says, "Well alright but next time let me know." Now it's my turn to question Derek "Now why would I do that? Last I checked you don't live in those woods anymore and now live in the loft. So why were you out there?" 

He turns around to leave and I call out "Hey I answered you; You answer me." He turns to look at me and he says, "I got an anonymous tip about a possible supernatural threat and the creature is a dark kitsune, so I was out there to see if there was anything that tells whether or not the tip is genuine." 

I'm shocked how did someone know about him. I look down thinking and Derek talks breaking me from my thoughts "Stiles? Are you okay?" 

I look back up and answer "I'm fine, just thinking about what you just said." He nods saying "so far I haven't gotten anything that tells me that there is a void or dark kitsune. So, I'm going to talk to my source and ask for any hints to help me identify the kitsune." 

I immediately ask "Hey? Who is this source anyway? Are they even a reliable source? Is it possible that they're just pulling your strings and lied about it?" 

He nods responding "yes that could be a possibility but even if they are and I didn't look into it with even a small chance of them telling the truth I have too. 

Also, I can't tell you who as I don't even know who they are, and they left me a number to call if I need any assistance. They mask their voice, so I don't know who they are and now I'm going to call them to ask for a hint." 

He opens the door going out and I hear him say "Hello, I need a little help." I run up the stairs to Voids room and I lightly knock. 

He opens the door letting me in and I ask as quietly as possible "What's he saying?" He whispers to me and after a while he says, "He's hanging up." I race out the door and back down the stairs. 

I get there just as Derek walks in, and he says "they told me to keep an eye on the human of the pack and that their hiding something. So, Stiles is there anything you want to tell me?" 

I swallow but my throat is as dry as a desert and I tell him with sarcasm lacing my voice "Nope there's nothing I want to say." 

He gives a low growl and looks at me when suddenly his hand moves so fast, I barely saw it. His hand is wrap around my throat and I instinctively reach up my hands to his wrist to try and free myself. 

I know it's not going to work but I still try as he brings me close to his face and he tells me with a warning tone "Don't be sarcastic with me Stiles and answer me, what do you know about the kitsune?" 

I look him in the eyes and give him an angry death look telling him "No. I don't have to tell you anything." 

I'm still staring daggers into him as he gives an angry look and tightens his grip causing me to gasp for air that won't come as he gets even closer telling me as I feel worried that Void will reveal himself "If you're done, give me an answer or I'll keep closing my hand until you. . ." He stops and I know why, he must have heard Void. 

He looks at me and asks, "Who else is here?" I don't change my facial expression and I tell him "No one but me." 

He tightens his grip even more causing me to feel dizzy and I start to see stars as Derek screams out "Whoever is here better come out or I'll keep crushing him until his neck snaps!" 

I manage to choke out "don't." He closes even more, and he suddenly stops. When I hear "Stop hurting him!" I feel the pressure constricting my airway release and I gasp and cough out struggling to get air back as I feel a panic attack forming. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder and a voice that sounds far away and muffled "Stiles you're okay, breathe." I try to talk but I can't, and I suddenly start feeling my fear among other feelings drift from me now feeling calm. 

My vision starts to refocus and soon I look to see Void by my side smiling as he says, "You were having a panic attack, are you okay now?" 

I nod and manage to speak but it hurts a little "Yeah, why did you come out?" He smirks saying "Come on Sti, what kind of brother would I be if I let you get choked out and besides feeding from pain, chaos, and strife is what I do. I was feeding the whole time and it was way too tempting not to." 

I smile back as he helps me stand when Derek speaks "What is this?!? Stiles and . . . . Stiles?" We turn to look at him and then we look at each other. I think to myself how the fuck are we going to explain this?

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