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Assalam-o-Alaikum and hello to all!! :)

The new chapter is before you. I hope you like it :)

As always, 

Read, vote, comment and enjoy!!!



      The two of them were at the table having their lunch; Sumaira and her mother Alina. Sumaira took out some of the boiled rice in her plate alongwith her favorite dish of chicken. Just then she heard her mother speaking,

      "Shehzad called today."

      "Really?!" Sumaira asked with excitement. Alina nodded.

      "He said that he would be coming today."

      "Wow! That's great! We would have so much fun together. By t—-" She was cut by her mother.

      "He isn't going to stay for the night even Sumaira. He will leave as he has important works to do, not just always chatting and playing around with you."

      Sumaira's smile faltered.

      "But that's —-"

      "Sumaira. No complaints." She clamped her mouth shut after seeing the glare of her mother.

      "This is not fair at all. Whenever he comes home, he comes as a sojourner. I am not going to leave him so easily.

      She mumbled under her breath before continuing with her food.


      "Gurya!" The voice boomed in the house, clear enough for anyone in the house to hear but it was maybe inaudible for the one who was being called.

      One by one he peeped in the bedroom, the kitchen, the washroom and at last he came to the drawing room. There she was sitting, totally engrossed in the program broadcasted on the television.

     "Gurya!" He called her once he reached behind her.


     "Did I ever teach you to hmm in response to elders?" He faked a serious tone.


     He didn't wait anymore after hearing the same reply. He stooped and picked her up in his arms.

     "Aah aah! Papa, no!" She didn't like the interruption during the program, but that was soon replaced by laughters and giggles when he started tickling her.

      "You were not replying me huh. Now get this, okay." He did not stop.

      After much struggle she managed to get out of his grasp and sit on his lap with her arms circling his neck.

     "Papa I love you sooooooo much!" Her black eyes twinkled as she said so.

     "I love you too." He tapped her forehead with his finger and then rested his head on hers.

     "But how much do you love me?" He separated his head from the resting posture and looked at her intently, waiting anxiously for her answer.

      "This much." She spread her arms wide.

     He frowned a bit.

     "I still didn't get it Gurya. Explain me nicely that how much this much means." He pointed towards her open arms.

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