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AS THE CLASS gathered in the greenhouse, Lilith, Terry, and Evelyn took their places among the other Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs

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AS THE CLASS gathered in the greenhouse, Lilith, Terry, and Evelyn took their places among the other Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs.

The vibrant energy that usually filled the air took a subtle shift when a couple of students exchanged uncertain glances upon noticing Evelyn.

As Professor Sprout began explaining the day's lesson, a hushed whisper traveled through the group, reaching Lilith's ears.

A pair of Ravenclaw students, Jessica and Samuel, exchanged smirks, their comments unmistakably aimed at Evelyn.

Lilith shot them a harsh glare which made then halt a little on their spot. Terry, noticing the shift in atmosphere, frowned and glanced at Evelyn, who seemed engrossed in Professor Sprout's explanation.

Jessica leaned toward Samuel, snickering, "Why is she even here? Hogwarts isn't exactly known for its diversity."

Samuel joined in the whispering, "Probably a mistake in the sorting hat. I bet it was confused."

The comments didn't go unnoticed by Lilith and Terry, who exchanged scowled looks. As the whispers continued, Lilith decided to interject, her tone carrying a mix of sarcasm and defiance.

"Oh, forgive us for breaking the mold of a typical Hogwarts class," Lilith said loud enough for the pair to hear, her eyes narrowing. "Apparently, not every Ravenclaw can appreciate the beauty of diversity."

Terry chimed in, "Maybe it's time for some of us to expand our horizons beyond our own biases. Hogwarts is for everyone, you know."

The whispered comments ceased as the attention turned toward Lilith and Terry.

To Lilith's surprise, a couple of other Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs joined in, expressing their disapproval of the comments.

Sophie, a fellow Ravenclaw and who was Lilith's roommates as well, rolled her eyes and quipped, "Oh, come on! Hogwarts would be boring if we were all the same. Let's focus on the Whomping Willow, not outdated ideas."

Professor Sprout, sensing the shift in dynamics, decided to lighten the mood. "Now, my dear scholars, let's see your creative side. How would you approach the Whomping Willow?"

Terry shared a look with Lilith and Evelyn and raised his hand. "How about a duet? I heard Whomping Willows have a soft spot for magical melodies."

Lilith added with a smirk, "Or we could try diplomacy. Offer it a year's supply of enchanted fertilizer, and maybe it'll stop whacking students."

Evelyn, joining in the playful banter, suggested, "Maybe a charm to make it the guardian of Hogwarts' secrets. Who would dare approach with that reputation?"

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