Chapter Nineteen

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Days passed and Jed would visit me more often, the more we hung out the more I got used to his dorky attitude. He would continue to take me places and anytime he knew I felt decently uncomfortable, he'd help me out every time. It was embarrassing the first couple times, but I've gotten used to it and it's more common and it started to feel comforting. While I was making lunch, I turned to see Jed climbing in through the living room window, waving at me after noticing I was looking at him.

"Hey sweetheart, any plans for today?"

I smiled at him and shook my head, putting my plate varying of different foods on the kitchen island as Jed removed his mask and walked over. He sat down beside me and smiled, starting to talk about his most recent victims and thoughts on movies in between eating. He made sure not to mention too much detail, obviously because of the fact I was eating and that I didn't need to hear about Jed brutally murdering someone. After Jed finished the portion of food I made for him, he managed to speak an entire sentence without pausing.

"If you don't have anything planned, why don't we go out together? You can choose the place."

He hummed, his head resting on his palm as he continued to smile at me.

"I'm not sure, I mean, Christmas Eve is tomorrow, so I should probably go shopping later today.. But I should still have time to spend with you!"

Jed nodded, tilting his head and just pausing for a few minutes.

"How about going to a café or something? It's calm, nice, quick."

Jed asked, his tone sounding slightly impatient. I shrugged, then after a minute I nodded and smiled at him, which he took notice of and then disappeared to get his costume off. I began to think about what I'd even buy for my friends for Christmas, seeing as it was right around the corner and I needed to know where to go to get them their gifts. Before I could entirely decide on anything, Jed was back and was already prepared to go out. As soon as I got my shoes on and grabbed my keys, Jed grabbed my hand and began towards my car, swaying our arms back and forth gleefully. We continued to drive and listen to music for a few minutes, finally getting to the café that Jed suggested. Just as we got to the door, I paused and mentally cursed at myself. As soon as Jed noticed my expression, he paused and turned to face me.

"What's wrong?"

"..I forgot my wallet."

Jed chuckled, patting my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, I have it covered!"

He smiled, then grabbed my hand and walked inside, once Jed noticed the amount of people, he tensed, tightening his grip on my hand.

"C'mon, let's just order and then we can sit down, the amount of people will lower soon."

He shrugged and continued to make sure he had my hand as we continued to go up in the line, order, and sit down at a booth seating. Seeing as we were in public, I took the opportunity to ask him about his life before he began to take the role of Ghostface.

"I was a reporter, well I was even one during y'know, but that quickly faltered, and my current work became full-time. My main idea in general while becoming a reporter was for the easy recognition, seeing as I could write perfect detail about myself with all of it being true, but even despite there fact I didn't really need the job, it was decently nice. I got a girlfriend, but she found out about my secret and our relationship didn't last long afterwards. Uhhh, well again even before that, I had a decent life. I did well in school until I started watching those old documentaries, it sparked something in me that made me drop out of college and start everything. My parents weren't too happy about the whole college ordeal, but their hollering at me stopped easily."

He grinned while mentioning his parents, and I immediately understood what he was hinting.

"But honestly I prefer how I am at the moment instead, if I wasn't like how I am now I wouldn't have met you. Anyways let's change the subject, I don't want your day turning all gloomy if I keep rambling."

We continued to have a conversation about pasts and other stuff, Jed being enthusiastic but pausing immediately once the waitress came over with our orders. When she handed Jed his, I looked closely at the wrapping around the cup and saw where his name should've been, and I saw the name Danny written down. When the waitress left, I turned Jed's cup so I could see the name, and I raised an eyebrow at him.


He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, sighing before starting to speak again.

"Yeahh, Jed Olsen isn't exactly my real name, wouldn't that have been included in the reports you read?"

"No??? So your name is Danny?"

He nodded, pursing his lips awkwardly.

"Yep, Danny Johnson to be exact. I know, I know, I should've told you sooner, but I didn't know when the timing was right to say something like; Oh hey here's a fun fact the name you know me by is total bullshit and I'm really named Danny!"

He smiled, starting to drink his coffee and maintaining eye contact with me. I laughed slightly, beginning to drink mine while slightly glancing away from Danny to find something to talk about.

"I'll probably have to go do some more work in a bit, so you'll have time to see your friends that you're spending Christmas with and buy the gifts for them. Only downside is that you won't have me with you, which would obviously make you bored out of your mind."

Danny smiled at me again, and it was overly annoying with how he joked like he was a massive part of my life, well he technically was, since he could be the cause of my death at any second. I just smiled back at him and nodded, finishing my coffee a few seconds after him. After Danny payed, he took my hand again and started towards my car. We continued to pick up small conversation while driving back to my house, where Danny then got back into his costume and went to the backdoor to leave after teasing me for a bit.

"I'll see you after the holidays, sweets! Love ya!"

Just as the door was about to close, I stopped it.

"Love you too, Danny."

I smiled when I saw his walking pause, but he shook his head and chuckled before disappearing as I shut the door. I had to go shopping for Christmas.

1200 words.

(A/N: I'm probably going to keep the max amount of chapters at under 25, since I don't want this single story to go on forever and I'm planning to write stuff about other slashers and maybe even Dead By Daylight characters!)

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