Chapter Eleven

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The next morning I packed the extra notebook in my bag before running downstairs to see the news on again. Apparently one of my classmates phones was shown to have sent me and my friends that picture of us outside the cafe, he was being questioned if he knew anything about the murders after being taken to the police station. Staring at the tv, I heard Liam and Carly's voices outside my house until they supposedly knocked. I just went over to the door and opened it, rushing outside to meet with them and the others at school.

"Creepy, right? I don't know why Brennan would need to do something like that, to scare us, maybe?"

Liam was taking about how mad he was at Brennan, even threatening to punch him when he shows up to school again. When I got to my history class, I had gone over my notes again to make sure it checked out. As I was looking over the notes of the murders, I saw a hand on the table propping someone up. When I glanced to the person I saw a guy that had emerald green eyes and medium blonde hair, he was staring at the notes, then he looked to me.

"Nice notes. I'm Oliver, nice to meet you."

He used his free hand and held it out to me, smiling. I shook it, closing my notebook after realizing he probably read the entire page.

"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you too, Oliver."

After a while of us talking, he paused and looked at a few other classmates.

"Listen, I know you probably have..trauma that has to do with parties. But how do you feel about going to one with me and some friends? It'll have security if it helps, since Harper is a massively rich snob she has bodyguards and security cameras that'll be around the house. If you don't want to come along it's fine."

He had a small frown, anticipated while waiting for my answer. I just stared at him for a while, trying to figure out if the cameras and guards made it a lot safer.

"Um, when is it..?"

"Around middle of December, it's the 2nd at the moment so it's in about..two weeks!"

I nodded at him as he gave me a beaming smile.

"Erm.. sure I guess. It'll be better with the bodyguards around of course, right?"

He smiled again and nodded cheerfully, pulling out a small piece of paper and writing on it. After he finished writing he slid it over to me and waved goodbye, going over to a few other students. The note was neat, and with a s smiley face and heart doodled on the top right corner.

'7:00pm to 3:30am. Harper Barlow's address: **** on ******th street.
P.S, my number: ***-***-*** シ'

It was a decently cheery note, the smiley faces designed on it made it a lot more goofy. As soon as the bell announced our free period, I slipped the note into my jacket pocket and closed my books to meet with the others in the courtyard. As soon as I got the the stairway leading outside I scanned the yard, finally spotting Elijah, Lucy, Carly, Liam, and Ava. I smiled and ran down the steps to go over to them.

"Hey Y/N! How are you?"

Liam waved me over to him, and I sat down in the circle that they had formed. After about a minute of talking about random stuff, I tossed my notebook into the center of the circle, opening it to the notes about Jed Olsen.

"These are notes that I got on our current Ghostface murderer. I did tons of research on him last night along with research on the Ghostface killer's past. Sadly I haven't gotten any information on why he would kill Megan or that guy Brent. One thing that caught my main attention was that he supposedly has a love for fame and or attention, he'd use the name Jed Olsen and the identity of the Ghostface killer to brutally kill people and then write about them for articles. Eventually, he left a note in his work office that said "I hope you liked my stories--I enjoyed bringing them to life. Don't worry, I'm not done.", and he disappeared from the town of Roseville."

Liam was entirely interested in this new information, reading over the notes every second. Ava looked concerned, but smiled supportively. Lucy and Carly were interested, but they didn't have anything to say. Meanwhile Elijah was daydreaming while staring at some girl across the courtyard from us.

"Well, there's a party coming up. Harper has security cameras, so if anything happens we can have easy proof of seeing any evidence if the killer arrives. Plus, the last thing that had any sort of connection to Ghostface was around November 29th or before."

Everyone agreed, we continued to talk about separate topics the more we progressed, until class started then we disseminated throughout the school.

843 words.

Ghostface X Reader (Will rewrite soon bc this sucks😻)Where stories live. Discover now