𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄. 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Alanna Bjorgman

As I walked down the hallway, I heard Crystal's loud, empowering voice fill the air. She's venting, I chuckled; relief flooded me as I realized she was going to be alright. I understood that she was conflicted about her role as a Spirit, but there was still something else, mostly about her secret (that she adamantly kept hidden) which I had yet to find out. So many secrets, so little time. The least I could do was comfort her—again.

"Crystal?" I knocked in a rhythmic pattern against the door. "Are you alright?"

A sigh came from behind Crystal's door. I took that as a 'yes' and tried to open the door.

The door was locked, and so I made a face. "Crystal?" *knock knock knock-knock knock* "Do you wanna—"

"Okay Alanna, I get it! I'm coming!" I heard Crystal's footsteps approach the door. I crossed my fingers and silently thought: pleaseopenthedoorpleaseopenpleasepleaseplease...

My wish came true.

Crystal opened the door and stared at me with a blank expression. "Hi," she said weakly.

"Hey," I greeted her cheerfully in return. "Are you feeling better?"

"Slightly," she gave me a tiny smile.

"Should we go up to our hideout? Maybe that will make you feel a bit better," I suggested.

Crystal gave me a shrug—I took it as a yes, and I grabbed her wrist. There was no turning back now as I dragged my cousin eagerly through the halls of the Arendelle castle. We swiftly dodged the busy butlers and maids who were still trying to clean up the giant ice barricade (Crystal looked guilty about it) and ran up flights after flights of stairs. By the time we had reached our destination, we were already exhausted and out of breath.

It was up, up, up to the roof of the castle, past the infamous bell tower where Mom fell for that jerk Hans, past the swing hanging from above Mom's room, past all the chimneys and windows...and to the edge of the castle, where the full moon shone brightly above us. Its light touched the Arendelle flag so that it was illuminated under the dark canopy of the night sky, the golden flower symbol between the shade of purple and green sparkling and shimmering in the moonlight.

"It's always beautiful up here," Crystal gave a satisfied sigh.

"It sure is," I replied, admiring the moon.

"Moon spirits, huh," I spoke up again after a few moments of peaceful silence. "Whaddaya think?"

"It's a great honor to be chosen," Crystal answered. "I mean, Manny could have chosen more capable people to be the Moon spirits, like...oh, I don't know, Poppy and Holly. Our second cousins. Or maybe even Jamie Bennett, that boy who Believed in my dad,"

"I'm sure Manny had a plan for us, especially you, Crystal. I mean, you're the daughter of the Fifth Spirit and Protector, Elsa, and your father is—"

Hello, girls. A voice suddenly spoke to both of us.

"Who is it?" I frantically whirled around, expecting to find someone. Crystal looked equally flustered, looking around her, trying to locate the sound.

It's alright, Alanna and Crystal. The voice spoke to us again. Look up at the moon, young ladies. That's where I am.

"Manny," I obeyed the voice and looked up at the pristine, round sphere in the sky breathlessly. Crystal followed suit, her mouth agape.

Crystal, rest assured that you are in safe hands in Arendelle right now. You need not worry about the future. Focus on who you are and those around you. Manny advised kindly. I shall take care of your problem.

Alanna, do not be afraid. Help Crystal by having fun and talking with her, just as both of you did when you were young. However, there is much more to the element of fun in the job I am requesting you both to undergo.

I understand being proclaimed the Moon Spirits today might have been overwhelming, but both of you must admit that you have foreseen this. However, I am here tonight to present you with a new mission. Manny continued prophetically, and I seemed to forget how to breathe as I hung on to his every word.

Alanna and Crystal, both of you shall be Nightmare Assassins. Manny concluded.

"I heard you correctly, right, Manny? Nightmare assassins?" Crystal exclaimed in disbelief.

Yes, dear. Manny confirmed.

I must admit, the name sounded super cool, like we were spies. "I'm up for it," I nodded at Manny confidently. "What about you, Crystal?"

Crystal seemed to hesitate, and looked back at me, then looked up at Manny. "Nightmare assassins, as in killing nightmares?" she asked.

Yes. Manny responded. You will aid us in eradicating fear and restoring Belief to children across the world. My children, do this for the sake of the ones around you. Who knows, it might bring you closer to the ones you are searching for.

Crystal nodded, but tears were forming in her eyes. "I'll do it then," she choked out. "If it helps bring them back."

Thank you. Manny acknowledged Crystal.

Girls, Pitch Black, the King of Nightmares and Fear, is growing stronger.

"Isn't that the truth," I heard Crystal mutter. "I'm sure no one's glad he's back."

"I second that." I responded.

Girls, we need your help. Manny continued. The Guardians can only do so much each day, and as Moon Spirits, both of you shall play a part in annihilating nightmares, primarily in Arendelle. The Wind Spirit has kindly offered to transport you to places where children require your help. Both of you will undergo training starting two days later. The Guardians will be coming to help. Manny informed us of the situation that was yet to come, and both of us nodded.

"We won't let you down, Manny," I responded, and Crystal nodded her head in agreement.

"If we're playing such a big part in helping the Spirits and Arendelle, it wouldn't hurt to go the extra mile. Especially if it means these kids will wake up happy and healthy. After all, it is our job as rulers to ensure that Arendelle is in safe hands," she added.

Very well then. The moon seemed to glow brighter than ever before—I think this was to show that Manny was smiling. The Guardians shall see you in a few days. As of right now, let go of all your fear. There is nothing to be anxious about, for I will watch over you.

"Thank you," Crystal whispered.

"You don't know how much this means to both of us," I said softly.

With that, there was a shift in the air, and Manny seemed to be gone.

"This is rather overwhelming, don't you think?" Crystal looked at me under the fading glow of the moon.

"Maybe," I answered her question. "But at least there's something to look forward to and something that we can do to ease your pain. Who knows what we might encounter along the way. Maybe we'll find something special."

"That could happen," Crystal finally smiled genuinely.

So both of us sat in silence atop the roof of the castle for a while longer, looking up at the moon, feeling content at last.

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