Chapter 5 -Running To Insanity

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Third-Person POV

'Things have not been going to plan' Phil thought as he was pacing his room

First Techno gave up thinking we should just let Tommy be since he's happy. How? He's not in the castle, he's there in the woods raising a child on his own.

And later Wilbur gave up for some unknown reason he won't tell me

“I had it Tommy will be back in this castle either by choice or force and if he refuses the crown well, then I hope the dungeon will be much nicer than I was,” Phil said not noticing it came out of his mouth

What he also didn't notice was that both of his sons were eavesdropping on his monologue and started running somewhere

Wilbur POV

As soon as me and Techno heard what, our Dad said, we ran out of that room and went to the main kitchen area

“What are we supposed to do Tech Dad will throw him in the dungeon and Shroud will be alone,” I said panicking on what to do I looked at Techno for advice, but he looked pissed off

“We will go to Tommy and tell him what PHIL said and hope he will believe us,” Techno said while I was shocked he never said our father's first name, I guess in Techno eyes he lost that honor

“Ok let's go,” I said, getting our thing ready for the trip

Tommy POV

As it was getting late, I was putting Shroud to be until I heard a knock on the door

“I'll be back Shroud I'm just going to see who's on the door,” I said leaving Shroud's bedroom and going to my front door I opened it to see Wilbur and Techno

“Ugh What do you two want, can you just stop being in m-” They interrupted me

“I want to, but I think it's time you listen to us Phil has finally lost it and is planning to put you in the dungeons while taking Shroud and raising him to be the next king while you rot in a cell,” Techno said making me scared

“And why are you telling me this don't you hate me you ignored me for years so what now what's the change,” I asked releasing what I wanted to say to them for years

“… Nothing Toms it's just we see Mom in you and that's a shit excuse we always see her in you, so we don't hate you we just never had to see you and not just like looking at you, but I mean You,” Wilbur said making me cry and hugging both of them tightly I let go and wiped my tears.

“Okay so how am I going to leave me and Shroud don't have anywhere to go,” I said

“Well we can take you with us,” a familiar voice said I looked behind my brothers to see Dream and Foolish and Puffy and an Angry Tubbo

“What?” I questioned.

“Tommy I can take you on my boat to Kinoko kingdom I'm good friends with one of the 3 Kings there if I contact him via Ender connections I can probably get you a new home” Dream which I black screen when he said 3 Kings

“3 Kings?” I asked.

“Oh yeah So in Kinoko there was a Prince named Karl, but he fell in love with 2 people a Spanish bartender named Quackity and a Knight named Sapnap who is my friend they all met and later got married pretty good on them making it work,” Dream said while Foolish just hummed in agreement

I looked at my cottage and my son's room and decided


“Great I'll get Into contact with Sapnap” Dream said pulling out an Eye of Ender but it's eye close and pulled out an I guess something to talk in I don't know I haven't been paying attention to technology much I really should these days

“Ok I'll take care of Shroud things Tommy you get packed,” Puffy said going to my son's room

“You guys want to help,” I asked my brothers

“Sure Tommy,” Wilbur says for both of them

Dream POV

“Sapnap, I need your help,” I said through the Ender Eye Phone

“Dream what's wrong is it your family I can call Ponk to help with it,” Sapnap says worried

“No it's my friend or well the youngest prince of Philza,” I told him while I was pacing around

“Wait didn't he go missing what's happening,” Sapnap said surprised

“Ok, so he did run away, and he got a son, but the king is going crazy, so he's throwing him into a cell and forcing his son to take over the throne,” I said giving Sapnap a rundown on what's happening

“… Holy shit now that's properly fuck up okay I'll tell my husband's, and we can probably get him a good him for him and his son, question is how is he going to get here?” Sapnap says.

“Well take him with Moms boat it has enough room for Tommy and his son to sleep, so we can get there tomorrow morning,” Foolish said making me surprised he was here since I thought he was helping mom

“Oh Foolish you're there too but okay I'll tell my husband's this don't worry keep in touch,” Sapnap said hanging up the call

“So why are you here,” I asked my brother

“Simple we're done packing,” Foolish said putting his arms to his hips acting proud which was impressive

“That fast how?” I asked.

“Having a lot of help makes things faster” Foolish said

“Well that's one thing we're taking it to the ship huh,” I asked which Foolish nodded

“Great,” I said, letting out a breath of relief

As I look at Tommy's house I felt sad for the guy he had a shit life and now if forced to leave since shit dad is a fucking asshole who doesn't know how to deal with things and knows what's his fault

“Ok guys let's load this in the ship” Mom said

“Okay!” Both me and Foolish said Together.

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