Home sweet home

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Everyone piles into the car and drive to Addison's house. The arrived their at 1 am. Aqua fell asleep and the newborns too.
"Dawn this is your room, Willow this is your room, Xander this is yours, Giles this is yours, and Buffy and Spike this is your guy's room." Addison said showing their rooms.
"Thanks sis for letting us stay here." Buffy said
"No problem. Now Good night." Addison said
"Night." Buffy said
"Night Dawn." Addison said
"Night sis." Dawn said
"Night Willow and Xander." Addison said
"Night Addison." They both said at the same time
"Night Giles." Addison said
"Night." Giles
Addison walks over to Courtney's room.
"Hey." Addison said
"Hey mom." Courtney said
"I want to tell you something about Chad and your clothes." Addison said
"WHAT!!" Courtney yelled
All of the sudden Buffy comes running in with a stake in her hand.
"What happen? Vampire?" Buffy asked
"No, I just told Courtney about her ex boyfriend giving her clothes to his new girlfriend." Addison said
"Oh ok. Good night." Buffy said as she walks back to her bedroom.
"Listen Courtney we got you some new ones." Addison said
"Oh yay." Courtney said
"I will show you tomorrow ok." Addison said
"Ok. Night mom." Courtney said
"Night." Addison said
"Night Hope and Zoey." Addison said
"Night mom." They both said
Addison goes to their bedroom and goes to bed.

The twins are crying when Buffy gets up and rocks them back to sleep.
"Buffy? What are you doing?" Addison asked
"I was checking on the twins if that's ok?" Buffy asked
"Yes it's fine." Addison said
Addison and Buffy hugged and go back to bed.

"Zoey! Hope! Get up time for school." Addison yelled
Hope and Zoey get out of bed and get ready for school.
"Ready mom." Hope said
"Ok now eat breakfast." Addison said
Car honks.
"Oh that's Aunt Bella. See you after school. Bye love you." Addison
"Bye mom." They both said
Hope and Zoey go off to school. Zed gets in the shower and gets ready for work.
"Bye honey." Zed said
"Bye." Addison said
Zed and Addison kiss for along time.
"Ew." Someone said
"Dawn, did we wake you up?" Addison asked
"No." Dawn said
Buffy comes down all dressed. Willow and Giles comes down too.
"Morning." Buffy said
"Morning." Addison said
"Bye everyone I'm off to work." Zed said
"Bye Zed." Buffy said
Zed heads out the door and off to work.
Someone knocks on the door. Dawn answers the door.
"Oh my gosh Dawn!" The person said
"Do I know you?" Dawn asked
Buffy walks over to the door and sees Cleo.
"Cleo!" Buffy yelled
"Buffy!" Cleo yelled
"Dawn this is your other sister." Buffy said
"Hi." Dawn said
Addison walks over and hugs Cleo.
"I have something to show you." Addison said
"Oh what is it?" Cleo asked
Addison and Cleo walked up to the nursery.
"Oh my goodness. They are precious." Cleo said
"Meet Zeke and Madison." Addison said
"Aww." Cleo said
They both walk back down to the kitchen holding the twins. Aqua comes down too.
"Where is Hope and Zoey?" Dawn asked
"They are at school." Addison said
"Like someone else should be too." Buffy said
"I don't want to go to school." Dawn said
"Why?" Addison asked
"It's boring" Dawn asked
"Dawnie." Buffy said
"Ok but is it a good school, Addison." Dawn said
"Yes, this is the school where I met Zed." Addison said
"Didn't you break up?" Buffy asked
"Yes and then I found a guy who cheats on me for the girl who tried to kill me." Addison said
"Where is he? I will kill him!" Buffy yelled
"No need we are cool." Addison said

"Both the slayers are together my lady." A person said
"Find the two girls and bring them to me." Charlotte said
"Yes, my lady." The servant said
"Now I will have the keys in my grasp." Charlotte said

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