Addison's step sister comes to help

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"Hey sis, I heard you need some help."the girl said
"Hi Tandy and Tyrone I'm so glad you got here." Addison said
"Addison, who is this?" Ashley said
"This is my step sister Tandy and her friend Tyrone. Tandy this is Ashley and you all know everyone else right." Addison said
"Tandy, Ty, so glad to see you guys." Josh said
"Josh, Zed, I'm glad to see you guys too." Tandy said
"Guys! Focus we need to find the girls now I need to call a couple more people to help us." Addison said
Addison walks outside and howls as loud as she can so the werewolves can hear.
"What was that?"Wyatt asked
"Mickey mouse?" Willa asked
"Ooo where." Wynter said
"Wait guys that's Addison and it sounds urgent. Let's go!" Willa said
The werewolves head over to Addison's place.
"What's the message?" Willa said
"The girls are missing and we know where their are." Addison said
"Where?" Wyatt said
"The old train station." Addison said
"Uh! Addison, the tracker is moving." Eliza said
"What?!!" Addison said
"Don't worry you guys go and put in the ear piece and I will give you directions." Eliza said
"I will stay with her." Ashley said
"But how will we get there our car is being worked on." Zed said
Addison whistles and ten wild horses come galloping over to Addison. One horse comes over and kneels for Addison to get one. All the other horses do the same.
"Yaww! Giddy up!"Addison yelled
Addison and them are getting closer to the train. Addison jumps on top of the train and the rest of them jump also. Big strong dudes come over ready to fight.
"This is going to be fun." Addison said
Tandy throws a dagger to Addison and kills a few men. Addison is about to be attacked when Willa growled at the man and ran away.
"Go we'll hold them off." Tandy said
Addison runs and listens to Eliza to see if she gets warmer.
"That car." Eliza said
"Thanks Eliza." Addison said
Addison uses the dagger that Tandy gave her and cuts a hole into the ceiling.
"Aunt Addison!" Lilly said
"Lilly, Zoey your ok, where's Hope?" Addison asked
Zoey and Lilly point behind Addison. Addison turns around and saw a big tank with Hope passed out in the water.
"Hope!" Addison said
"Well, well , if isn't my ex wife." Hans said
"What do you want Hans?" Addison asked
"I want you to marry me." Hans said
"No." Addison said
"Listen I know you killed my mother and yours." Hans said
"She wasn't my mother she was an evil stepmother!" Addison said
Zed and the rest jumped in the hole.
"Just let my daughters and my niece go!" Addison said
"Daughters?" Zed whispered
"Zoey is our daughter now." Addison said
"Thanks mom." Zoey said
Tandy throws a dagger at Hans but it goes through him.
"He's a hologram." Addison said
Tandy,Tyrone, Emma and Riki all go after Hans. Addison and the rest try to break the glass tank to get Hope out to breathe. Zed takes his Z-band off and body slams the tank. Tandy throws a dagger into the hole and Addison catches the dagger before it hits her. Addison uses the dagger and gets Hope out. Josh, Zoey and Lilly ajump on three horses and goes home.

Tandy and them catch up with Hans and tackle him. Tandy has dagger at Hans's throat.
"What are you doing here Hans?" Tandy said
"I'm here to get revenge on my ex wife." Hans said
"Why?" Tandy said
"She killed your mom." Hans said
"What? Who did!!??" Tandy yelled
"Your step sister, Addison." Hans said
"I'm going to kill her." Tandy said

"Hope! Hope! Wake up! Please!" Addison yelled
"ADDISON! Hans is telling Tandy that you killed her mom!" Emma said
"Oh crap!" Addison said
"Is Hope waking up?" Riki said
"No, but we need her to, so I want you guys to take her back to the house and try to wake her up."Addison said
Addison whistles for a wild mustang.
"Hi Spirt old boy." Addison said
Spirt huffed.
Emma and Riki jumped on Spirt and Addison handed Hope to Emma. They ride off to Addison and Zed's house.
"YOU!" Tandy yelled
"Tandy, hear me out?" Addison said
"Please tell me why you killed my mother and yours?" Tandy said
"First of all she was not my real mother she was my stepmother and second she almost killed me and my daughters!" Addison yelled
"I don't believe you!!!" Tandy said
"I do." Tyrone said
"Same here." Zed said
"Tandy, I would never killed your mom on purpose." Addison said
"Then why did you kill her?" Tandy asked
"I killed her because she was trying to kill me and my family, I still have nightmares and fears about her. Every single night I get up in the middle of the night to check on my daughters and Zed." Addison said
"Tandy, I can check Addison's fears and see if she is telling the truth." Tyrone said
"Ok let's both go." Tandy said
Tandy and Tyrone go inside Addison's fears and Addison was telling the truth that Tandy's mother was evil. They both came out and Tandy hugged her step sister and apologize.
"I'm so sorry I didn't believe and I'm sorry that she did all of those things." Tandy said
"It's ok, now let's give Hans a piece of our mind." Addison said
Addison and them turn around and Hans was running away. Zed and Tyrone gets right in front of him. He turns around and starts running the other way. Addison and Tandy stands in front of him.
"Hi, guys." Hans said
"Hans you are in big trouble." Addison said
"What are you going to do about it?" Hans said
"I called the cops." Addison said
"Ooo so scared." Hans said while luau
"And your real mom." Hans said
"HANS TOILET JR. YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE YOUNG MAN!!!" a women's voice screamed
"Oh poop." Hans said
"Kidnapping, force marriage, and doing drugs what has your father been letting you do?" Hans mom said
"Hi mom." Hans said
"Thank you for calling Mrs..." Hans mom said
"Mrs. Necrodopolis." Addison said
"Yeah thanks Addison!!" Hans said

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