Dysphoria, A Look Into Yourself

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Trigger Warning: Talk of suicidal thoughts, mental illness, self-harm

    Dysphoria, an unwelcome feeling every Therian knows. It seeps into your mind, tainting everything related to your actual being. It starts to feed your fears and insecurities, staining even the happiest memories. Thoughts and ill-wishings you never even knew you had about yourself surface and pop up. Things like:

"I'll never be good enough."

"I'm an awful person."

"I hate myself."

"I hate my BODY."

Permeate your mind. But, this is only the beginning. Unchecked, these unhelpful thoughts and emotions can disrupt a peaceful balance in your mind. It is only a start to the unrelenting bought of evil intentions and awful thoughts. And it's a victimless crime.

Disclaimer: If you are feeling suicidal or are experiencing any thoughts like these, seek professional help and stop reading a Wattpad story.

As a Therian, these thoughts and mindsets may be a regular thing unfortunately. Being a Therian and experiences switches that we cannot meet externally tears at the insides of all our happy memories as a human. How can you help?

How to make your Therian dysphoria lessen while coming into/out of a switch:

- Wear gear according to the Theriotype you feel in the moment (Mask, tail, wings... etc)

- Act on characteristics of the animal (make dens, perch, pounce... etc)

- Eat a diet similar to the animal type; Birds and nuts; Cats and sushi; Dogs and meat (Tip: A feral theriotype may like no utensils)

- Practice the noises and calls your animal theriotype would usually make

- Go for a walk and feel the wind and sun

- Chew on safe herbs (Basil, Mint, Oregano, Chives, Parsley etc)

- Practice quads (if your theriotype walks on all fours)

- Play forest sounds (Or any other habitat) to calm nerves

There are so many ways to cope with the immense unhappiness that you may feel in that moment.

"Oh, but Ribbon! These aren't long-term! I will only feel better in the moment!"

     Oh my! You are so right, Person-I-Didn't-Make-Up! Well, what can you do to solve this long-term? 

Ok, I'm sorry, let's get real now. To be honest with you, this awful feeling may be with you for a long time, and nothing I say or do can help you, it's your responsibility. Because, at the end of the day, this is just an internet book, written by a silly person in the real world who thought they could make a difference. But, really, if you need help, get some! Talk to a therapist, talk to a friend, talk to yourself! Just do what feels right, you got this. And don't be afraid to talk to me, my DMs are open and you can find my discord in my bio.

To all those struggling out there, I love you.  I don't care what you believe or what you feel, it doesn't matter, because we all deserve love. (Even you!)

Some helpful links/sources:

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255

Online Therapists: https://www.betterhelp.com/helpme/?utm_source=AdWords&utm_medium=Search_PPC_c&utm_term=mental+health+help+online_b&utm_content=41730082516&network=g&placement=&target=&matchtype=b&utm_campaign=384672130&ad_type=text&adposition=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxtSSBhDYARIsAEn0thStC-n1VOeAmett6Ko3FX2rjrZZv7xQ9nj8iVYFInbVWYnz9KbRoKEaAk_zEALw_wcB&not_found=1&gor=helpme

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