So You're A Therian... Now What?

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   To get started, let me get this straight, being a Therian isn't a choice, nor is it a trend. To put it simply, it's a part of yourself. To put it not-simply, a Therian is a human (and yes we know we're humans) that believes in a spiritual sense of animal behavior. Some believe that the animal's soul is part of theirs, others think that they were reincarnated in the wrong body, others believe that they were a certain animal in their past life, or some feel that they aren't completely human inside! There are so many definitions to 'Therian' and I plan to cover as many as I can!

(Disclaimer: I am in no way an expert or qualified to give random people on the internet advice and you should take this book with a grain of salt. I.E.: don't take me too seriously.)

Ok, now that that's out of the way, let's get into some actual fax my doods.

Fact: Being a Therian doesn't make you mentally ill.

Now, I'm not saying that there aren't some mentally ill Therians out there, but what I am saying is that being a Therian isn't a mental disease. You can't catch it because it's a state of mind, and there's nothing about it that makes you ill. Despite some popular belief, we Therians are human beings (just like you!).

"Oh, but Ribbon, you said some Therians feel they aren't completely human!"

Yes! That's true, fake person! I did say that! Let me explain why I said that, and stand by what I said. While we remain the same physically, some Therians experience a 'shift' in our mindset, which corresponds with the Theriotype we are feeling in that moment. The shift can be triggered by certain things (all unique to a person and their Theriotypes) but also can just happen! Maybe it was a flux in emotions, maybe it was looking at that patch of trees over there, maybe it was hearing the birds tweet, or maybe it was nothing at all. Regardless, these shifts still happen and can make the person feel... well, sad. 

This kind of sadness is often referred to as dysphoria. Dysphoria is, plainly, being generally sad with an aspect of your life. Whether that be gender, looks, mental state, place of residence, it all means the same thing, you're not happy. In this case, I'm talking about dysphoria with your own species or lifestyle. When feeling this sadness, there are certain coping skills that I have done, or have heard/seen others do. This will be covered in a later chapter.

All Italic words will be defined by the Oxford Dictionary (or urban dictionary, as some is slang) at the end of the chapter.

Therian (Urban Dictionary):

' short for therianthropy or therianthrope. Theri= animal, anthro=man. Therians can have "shifts" but not all do. All therians understand that they cannot physically shift and are not physically an animal, they know they are physically human.'

Dysphoria (Oxford Dictionary):

'a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life.'

As always, stay safe, Lovelies! Feel free to comment and star this chapter to let me know your feedback! I'll be doing a Q & A every 5 chapters. All questions are welcome, and if you don't want people to see your comment, just DM me and I'll put you in anonymously!

Some links I found useful:  <-- this one's 18+ to register)

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