chapter 4

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Rens pov-
At 7 am
  Bro i am so tired and i dont know were i am last i remebered i was in karasunos room and my brother i- i cant remember which one carried me to the room but no one is here right know the room is like pitch dark and empty.... 

Authors pov-

Everyone was in the cafetirea (however you spell that :/)  and the older miya twins havent noticed that the younger one was missing until one of the coaches asked " hey weres the smaller one of yall" osumu started to panic and atsumu got up right away and started runnig to there room and started to ask every one if they have seen ren.
Now everybody was looking for the younger miya. Bokuto and akaashi were also panicing way more than they should have bokuto picked every object that was around to see if ren was behind them. And akaashi was checking every room and bathroom...

Akaashis pov-

Were could this little boy be... i really think he should be in one of these rooms i mean he is small so i should be able.. but he is probably either asleep or walking around somewhere........ and one of my predictions were right

I saw ren walking around with a blanket around his shoulders holding a phone

I saw ren walking around with a blanket around his shoulders holding a phone

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Rens pov-

I decides to get up and find my brothers but the thing is i dont know how this place is build like... well crap i still need to find one of them hmmm i should grab my phone and text them or something. So i grabed my phone and a blanket. My mission was to find my brothers . Now the first thing i need to do is FiNd A BaTherOoM i started to look around and foumd a vending machine and next to it was a sign pointing and saying bathroom  so now i am sitting on a toilet half asleep and trying so hard not to fall asleep.. after i was done i washed my hands and started exploring then about 12 minutes later i got startled by pretty guy and he asked me " are you ok do you need me to carry you to your brothers or do you wanna walk"  his voice was soothing " can you carry me pls "  then as soon as he started walking i fell right asleep

Authors pov-

After the whole fiacsco akaashi gives ren back to the miyas and they thanked akaashi so many times that akaashi got kinda flustered.
Now it is the actual volleyball practice everybody is running,passing setting spikeing , and yelling now ren is awake drinking strawberry milk while observering everybodys game play everyonce in a while he would look at his brothers and then go back at looking at everybody else " hey kid are you hungry" kenshin said ( he is the karasuno coach)  " yes please sir"  keshin passed ren a meat bun and ren happily ate it

After practice the miyas went into the room to spend time with eachother and made sure everyone was ok and relaxed  after about 1 hour later nekoma brought onigiris everybody ate and fell asleep but this time ren slept with akaashi and bokuto.....

This was very rushed so yeah dont judge but STAY HYDRATED AND HEALTHY
word count 558

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