When You Fight

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(A/N): it's kind of angsty, but again, fluff and some mild mentions of spice at the end. Also my bullet points aren't working so I'm using dashes instead. It's also a little bit short.

-You guys don't usually fight a lot. We're talking, like, once in a few months? 

-Both of you have evolved as human beings in your time together and became better communicators, so the excellent communication usually rules out the possibility of a fight.

- For example, it's like:

-"I thought you said you were going to Obi Wan's. How come I'm hearing from Alyssa, who heard it from her cousin, who heard it from Freya's neighbour, that you went to Freya's house at midnight?!"

-"Darling, calm down, it's nothing like that. I'll explain everything. I went to Obi Wan's for coffee like I told you and he asked if I'd finished working on those Star fighter engine plans. That's when I remembered that I hadn't and I left them at Freya's when we all went to her house for the Book Club meeting. They're due tomorrow so I had to get them at once. That's why. You can ask Obi Wan and Freya themselves if you don't believe me. Or R2, he drove with me and also came along when I went inside. I think he records everything by default, so it shouldn't be a problem to get those recordings."

-"I'm telling you, R2 is up to something. It's kind of weird, you know? - I mean, he's almost always within a 2-foot radius of your presence - what if he's recording us when we're making out? Nevertheless, don't worry, sweetie, I believe you. I'm sorry I got mad, it's just that it seems so wrong."

-"Yeah, yeah, I think I'll have to look into that, something about that droid has always been sketchy, But yes, it does seem so wrong, (y/n), I know. I'll do anything to make it up to you."

"You don't have to do anything, Ani. I trust you."

-"I trust you too. So, now, shall we go bungee jumping? Or skydiving?"

-"They have those on Coruscant?"


-"You chicken. Let's fly somewhere and go mountain biking with raw meat on the handlebars of our bikes so wild animals chase us."

-"Can we go somewhere nice for dinner after that?"

-"But I want to take a shower after the exercise."

-"Okay, fine, then take a shower."

-"So, yes or no on the nice dinner?"

-"Will you wear a tux?"

-"I don't see why I wouldn't want to, so yes?"

-"You have a deal. Go find your ship keys and I'll get the cycling shorts from the drawer. I think we can get some pig insides from the butcher on our way out."

-"you've always had a peculiar fascination with the morbid."

-"I know, right?"

-"Wait, where were we?"

-So yeah, you guys don't fight a lot because of that.

-But SOMETIMES, when you're in the middle of a major disagreement, or just when you're both being stubborn, petty or immature, or even in just a bad mood, it does go a bit further.

-"What do you mean you don't want me to cook?"

-"Well, for one, you don't know how."

-"Oh, I'm sorry Skywalker, so you don't like my tapiocas?"

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