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**This oneshot was brought to you by the song 'Photograph' by Ed Sheeran**

TW: Slight angst, but not really, and fluff that's sweeter than sugar at the end.

It was Sunday night, and Anakin and I stood in the cold air of the night, in an alleyway, outside the little restaraunt we'd just had a lovely dinner at. We'd managed to co-ordinate our schedules so that we could spend some time together on our days off on Coruscant, and I couldn't have been happier, even if Anakin was leaving tomorrow. Yes, he'd unfortunately been roped into another mission, and had to leave.

However, Anakin had been... off the whole day. He'd disappeared for an hour yesterday evening on the account of business, and ever since he came back, he'd been acting out-of-sorts and totally unlike his usual self. I'd left him the benefit of the doubt, for all I know, he's just being a baby about something stupid - if it was something important, he would tell me, I know. 

The light from the overhead lamppost cast yellow shadows over our faces as our warm breath nearly fogged out in front of us. It was chilly; winter was never fun on Coruscant because of how far it was from its star - but it couldn't keep Anakin and I off of the streets. I noticed, even in the dim lighting, how a war waged on behind Anakin's crystal blue eyes, and it irked me so much, that I decided to take the bait.

"Anakin, what's up with you?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"What's up with me? Nothing, love." he smiled painfully. I shook my head.

"You disappeared for an hour yesterday evening, and have been acting differently ever since. Let me in on the loop?" 

Anakin sighed.

"I told you, the Council called me, it was just a debrief on the upcoming mission. It's nothing to worry about." 

"I believe you, Ani, but did they say something? I don't know, you just seem sadder ever since. C'mon, I won't be mad, even if you stole my cinnamon rolls." I teased.

"If I tell you something, will you promise that you won't be mad?" he asked, with glassy big blue eyes.

"I promise." I said, taking one of his hands in mine, ignoring the pit of dread forming in my stomach. I had a feeling I knew where this was going, and I prayed to anyone who would listen that that wasn't the case.

"That you won't be sad?"

"I promise." I assured him, taking his other hand in mine, biting back my paranoia. 

"(y/n)... remember the mission to Onderon that I was assigned?" Anakin asked, looking down.

"Yes, I do - the Rebels you trained needed some assistance, didn't they?" I asked. "Their leader, Steela, she contacted the Council, didn't she?"

"No, not Steela... she, she perished under Ahsoka's watch last time around. Her brother, Saw, is the one leading the Rebels now. He was the one who contacted the COuncil, but apparently, it was a false alarm. They're alright, and confirmed that they didn't need any Republic assistance." Anakin explained.

"Oh, I see. Then... you should be staying... right?" I asked cautiously.

"No. The Council is sending me and Obi Wan to deal with the Outer Rim sieges." he declared, and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. 

Until my shoulders tensed up once again.

"T-The Outer Rim Sieges?" I asked in disbelief. They were displatching two more Knights, one of whom just returned from a grueling surgical strike on Dantooine? 

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