ch.11 monty fall

620 17 7

((Im sorry for the late update!!!))

"Ugh" starting off the new night at the pizza plex

Feeling tired more then usual.
Going into the break room something felt off
Felt like you where being watched.

You checked the vents and looked in other's lockers (even though not suppose too but its okaay)  you found...

Nothing, and yet got changed and went out of the room and going to work

Mr😌. GlamRock✨ Freddy "Hay superstar! How are you this morning!! You lool extra tired" Him saying you told him you felt fine and you two had a chat
Just like nothing happend.

You went to to see DJMM

but he wasnt there

When you don't find him you start to get worried and go looking for him thinking

Y/N "he is big how can I not see him?!"

walking around the plex

started calling out for DJMM but decided to look in the vents and ask the little music mans to see if they would know cus why wouldnt they

Going into the vent and searching around for a whike they heard a huge crash although it sounded far away although sounded bad. Searching they noticed there was no little music mans around, they didn't though was the bottom vent
      ✨ Woops✨

      -Falling into montys Golf: top floor-

Ouch! Y/n looks around to see if Monty was around to be there to help them but it's too dark

Ugh love that
As y/n sits there for a min getting there eyes to focus when they notice somthing... They noticed a tight space and somthings in it.. 👀 hmmmmmmm

Getting up and looking in there they see a big animotronic. This ones purple, also has glasses, and has a big guitar and dusty. It also seems to be scraches everywhere around it...seems like this animotronic tried to get out and failed and yet if this ones like the others then how would no one else notice this ones stuck?? Huh alright they take note of it.

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