Chapter 1: In the beginning, the fire started burning.

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"Legends. Stories scattered through time. Whether they be hero or villain, their name always rings a bell in someone's head. But what people don't know, is that everyone is documented throughout time. Bonne lecture! My name is Tassel and do you want an explanation of what I just said? Yes? Oh well, I shall tell you later. Right now I'm watching the next swordsman of fire, Moeru Shoma. A fitting name, isn't it? Now let us watch him together."

"Aww man, I can't decide what to get..." A boy whined, he had black hair and what could be described as unusual, but somehow screamed "fashion icon" clothes while wearing a fedora just barely kept on the back of his head. He was staring at a couple good-looking weapon books in an aisle. While it would seem like he was talking to the girl next to him, he generally was both speaking to himself and didn't know the girl. "Gah they're all so good!" He turned away from the aisle and scratched his head for a couple of seconds, his hat falling off his head.

"Hey kids, stop being loud and put your hands where I can see 'em!" Moeru slowly craned his head and looked at the man, who was pointing a sword with him, with a dust container in his other hand. The man had red tinted glasses and a black bowler hat along with beign dressed finely in a black suit. "Can I just grab my hat... then?" Moeru slowly put his hand halfway up the air, to where his shoulders were. "'Course not, now put your hands in the air!" The man snapped back at him with Moeru shooting them into the air almost instantly.

He turned to the other girl who hadn't even flinched nor noticed the guy, she was just silently listening to her music while reading. "I said hands in the air, you got a death wish or something!?" He tapped the girl's shoulder to grab her attention, "Hm?" She turned to him, then the guy pointed to his own ears to indicate taking off the headphones. She simply was polite and took them off, "Yes?" "I said put your hands in the air, now!" He exclaimed.

"Are you... robbing me?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yes" He snapped back. "Ohhh." Moeru just looked shocked at the girl, with himself being motionless and scared, before an instant change in tone. "Hey!" He was instantly knocked down one of the aisles of the store, with Moeru's face shifting with surprise! "That was awesome!" He said, followed by the sound of something being knocked over, only for the girl to be instantly faced with a gun from another robber.

Within a few seconds, the man was knocked out the window by the girl, with the girl following suit. Within seconds, Moeru picked up his hat and raced over to the window, with a notebook and pen in hand, writing down things and watching as the girl unveiled her crimson scythe. "So cool!!" He continued to write as the ginger man next to him ordered men to attack her. He looked at the man then back to his notebook, the two then making dead eye contact for a good 5 seconds. "Well, well what do we have here?"

The man looked over to Moeru's small little story before immediately being drawn over by the girl beating the living daylights out of the grunts, she was swinging around her scythe with a kick to one of their face's into knocking another into the air, it was a sight to behold. She continued to dash around, dodging a rain of bullets and then knocking into the guy with a dash, swinging him around and back to the door of the shop.

"You were worth every cent. Truly, you were." The man mocked his own grunt as he looked at the girl, holding Moeru as a hostage. "Well, Red, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around, I'm afraid this is where we part ways. Now run along or I'll kill your little fanboy here." He told her, pointing his cane at her, a small lens popping out of it to hone his range and pointed it at Moeru's head. "Really?" She asked, looking at the boy. "What do you mean 'really'!? What the hell kind of heroine are you!?" He shouted at her, a bit angry. "Feisty, aren't you." The ginger man said with a smirk.

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