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Now that we have talked about the quadrouple threat of the cover, title, tags, and summary we will get into the pilot.

Pilot chapters are pretty important not gonna lie or sugar coat that.

And like summaries its often hard to start pilots.

Again, pilots kind of follow the same summary pattern style.

A lot of people may start with hook quotes
"Wake up you butter dingus who was raised by chickens and sleeps in ungodly positions."


"Boom." The shot rang through my ear. It was beautiful.

These lines will likely get the reader to stay and read on the chapter.

Also, to note. I have seen first chapters starting with

"Hi, I'm Bob and I'm 16 years old and this is my story."

And when I did recommend a little of this format for summaries. I DO NOT recommend this for your pilot chapter. It is a hugr Don't. And, please do not start with a "Hi I'm so and so" in your summary too. Work in the character introduction. Don't force it.

Now to keep the momentum of the hook quotes of your pilot chapter, you must keep the momentum going.

You can either:
1.keep the air of mystery and keep the pilot chapter a bit breif and not introduce the characters, setting, etc.

For example:you could give a brief flashback scene as your pilot that would likely not involve going deeply into anything.

2.you can jump right into the story.

But, I do not really recommend this unless your story seems to flow smoothly.

So people. I know you got this! Start writing that pilot if you haven't already. And edit if neccesary.

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