TP&TW Part 5

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Time passed and the Boy remained.

"Incredible." Saru Mi exclaimed and the Boy glowed with pride. Saru Mi knelt before the Boy and humbly asked, "May I borrow your cup." The Boy eagerly handed Saru Mi the wooden cup. "Please wait here." Saru Mi politely requested as he grabbed one of the inert carcasses that were still resting on the table. With a bow he exited and was swallowed into the pitch-black darkness outside.

From a window the Phoenix and the Boy watched as Saru Mi pounded on the door of the nearest home, whispered excitedly to the man who answered, who then ran at great speed to the next home.

Within minutes the Villagers had left their slumber to join Saru Mi in the centre of the courtyard. "This," the Holy Man exclaimed pointing at the snake held tightly in his fist, "Was in here," gesturing towards the well.

The Villagers collectively gasped at this news then yelped in horrified surprise as the Holy Man dramatically threw the snake carcass at their feet. Saru Mi then proceeded to theatrically draw water and then used the simple wooden cup to ceremoniously drink. After he had consumed every last drop the Holy Man proclaimed, "My people we are free."

The Villagers were astonished, a few collapsed onto their knees wailing prayers of gratitude into the night sky, many tripped over each other to kiss Saru Mi's feet and stroke the hem of his luxuriant robe.

Together, a group began to draw copious amounts of water from the well and they all rejoiced in the water, anointing themselves from head to toe. An old woman began to rhythmically chant Saru Mi's name and all of the Villagers joined together in an ecstatic, melodious mantra proclaiming the glory of the Holy Man.

Saru Mi gracefully raised his gold adorned hands demanding a quiet from the Villagers. "The ghost we all saw consorting with rats, spreading disease and evil through our fine Village has been vanquished. I have destroyed him; no longer can it poison our well with its serpent friends. Our water and our Village are pure again." The Villagers roared in an explosion of manic, deranged, unrestrained emotion.

Inside the building the Boy vomited.

Saru Mi discreetly removed himself from the Villagers' celebration and upon his return to his quarters was astonished to find the Boy still present. "Are you insane? You must leave here immediately the Villagers will tear you apart!" The Boy threw himself at the Holy Man's feet, "This is my home, I only ever wanted to help you." The Phoenix forced his way between the Boy and the Holy Man.

"The Boy saved the Village but you betrayed him. Why?"

"Because I am a Holy Man."

"Why would you do such a terrible thing?"

"Because I am a Holy Man."

From Hiro's orange breast burst forth an immense, radiant, white light. Saru Mi was blasted into a corner. He could not bear the intensity of the beam, so remaining in the shadows he scuttled along the dark edges of the room and crawled out on all fours, back into the night.

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