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"Ah! Y/n! Welcome. It's good to see you. We were starting to worry that you'd miss the fundraiser."

"I'd never miss a fundraiser," I smiled as I picked up a glass of champagne from a waiters tray, "no matter how busy I am. Luckily, it just so happened to match up with my break period from filming."

"Well I'm glad. Feel free to grab a bite and drink as much as you like. The drunker you are, the more money I'm going to get from you so don't hold back."

I let out a small laugh before excusing myself from the host and his group of friends.

Turning, I began to look around. I recognised people here and there. Big film stars were here, some of my co-stars as well.

"Y/n. Its good to see you," I was approached by an actor I hadn't met in a while.

"Chris," I greeted him, "how are you?"

"I'm good," Chris nodded.

"And Melina?" I asked.

"She is also good," he smiled, "I heard you're working on a new action movie lately. How's that working out for you?"

"It's tiring," I replied, "however, it's fun. I like being active and the role I'm playing is really pushing my limits. But I'm learning new things so I think it's worth all the pain."

"I regret turning down the role for Stan that was offered to me. I would've been able to work with you again," he said before he seemed to notice something, "oh. There's Tony. Excuse me, I have to discuss something with him."

"Of course," I nodded and gestured for him to head on away, he smiled and walked away.

I turned and walked out to the balcony of the building and leaned against the railing, swirling my drink before looking up to the sky.

It was late evening, the stars weren't as clear as they are in the countryside but I was still able to see some dotted here and there. It felt peaceful even like that.

"I hate these things but it's worth it if my money can help others," I hummed lightly to myself as I watched the champagne shimmer slightly and then tipped the glass to the side over the railing, letting the liquid tip out before placing the empty glass onto the railing and then turning so I was facing the doors I'd exited from.

I'm not planning to get drunk. Well, actually, I can't really get drunk much anymore. Not since I became the freakish creature known as Spider Woman. My alcohol tolerance has become so high that I need very concentrated alcohol just to feel a small buzz.

Doesn't stop normal alcohol from being toxic to my body just like normal humans though so I'll refrain from drinking since I can't tell what's too much anymore.

My phone began to ring and I pulled it out to see it was a secure line calling.

A member of my team.

"Yes," I answered the call.

"A new enhanced criminal has been sighted around the party you're attending."

"How far away?"

"Not very far. Just ten minutes out south."

"Do we know which direction they're moving and their action patterns?"

"So far it looks like he's walking towards your location in a daze. No one has been hurt as of yet, however, he is quite literally freezing everything he touches."

I pulled my pendant out my bag and pulled it around my neck.

"Alright. I'll get ready to mo--"

"Ah! There you are, y/n," the host suddenly came barging into me, "come on! The auction is beginning. Oh. Sorry, were you on the phone?"

"No. I was just hanging up," I forced my irritation down and hung up the call, pushing my phone into my bag and turning to him, "shall we go?"

"Yes. Of course," the host offered me his arm and I took it, walking into the building with him again, "by the way, that necklace is interesting. Inspired by our defender of New York?"

"Yes. It was made by my niece," I lied.

"I didn't know you have a niece," he glanced over to me.

I don't.

"Yes. Well, I try to keep my family out of the spotlight. They feel uncomfortable about it," I replied.

"That's fair," he nodded, "it's a dangerous place to be sometimes."

You can say that again.

I need to get away from him so I can go and stop the enhanced.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen!" the host spoke up loudly beside me as he broke away and headed up to the podium, "it's time to start the auction so get out those cheques out and get a pen because boy do we have a lot to sell off today!"

Everyone started to pull out their stuff and I just shuffled myself off to the back of the room and quickly put my earpiece in.

"Update?" I whispered.

"Enhanced is down the street."

Damn it.

It does seem like he's coming towards us.

"We have an identity now. The man is called Hartley James. He's a former employee of.. Oh. The host of the fundraiser."

"Former?" I quietly questioned as the auctioning began.

"Looks like he was fired after a mistake in the finances."

"Revenge?" I whispered, suggesting that Hartley may be coming after the host for revenge rather than me.

"It's a likely situation. But we can't rule out that Red Skull is sending someone after you again either. After all, they know who you are. The only reason they haven't exposed you yet is because they'd be exposing themselves at the same time."

That's true.

Literally the only good thing about them knowing who I am.

They created me so if they expose me, their whole organisation would take a hit and become a world enemy since their operations are not in favour of the public or any governments. Not even the army would agree with their tests. And that's saying something.

"Fiachra has made a solution to stop his enhancement. It's en route to you now."

I tapped my ear piece as a mode of confirmation as the painting I wanted to buy was pulled to the front.

I put in my bid, it was out done so I put in another one and another one until I finally got the painting.

Quickly, I signed a cheque and passed it to the front before the room started to chill.

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