Chapter 6

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I walked into school on Monday with Dylan and Gabby and a thousand eyes fell upon us, every student, teacher and bird seemed to staring at us. I knew why. I saw Valeria with her friends and Scorpious,  he gave me a sideways glance and when the girls weren't looking, he mouthed something to me. 'I'm sorry.'
He wasn't able to talk her out of it. Gabby's phone went off. She pulled it out of her pocket and then tapped my shoulder, "This isn't what happened was it? Can't be, Valeria wouldn't go to these lengths to help someone." She said and showed me her phone.
She's posted it, Gabby had seen right threw it. "How did she find out?" Gabby asked. "Her uncle is a cop, she blackmailed him for information on me." I told her and we started to walked to class. "Who did you find it out from?" She asked. "I'll tell you at home."

The interval bell rang and I walked with Leo over to the spot at the library, Ray and May were still of sick. We sat there and he turned to me. "That text I got in class, It was from Valeria, I told you to go to his house because it was information about you. I just thought you ought to know." He told me and handed me the phone, it was the text he'd gotten from Valeria during homeroom a while ago.


You know he has a dark past, would you really want to be friends with someone like that, I mean he has daddy issues and all but would you sink that low 🤣🤣🤣🤣

"You know your in for a hell of a ride, she's got dirt on you and the the further you fall the higher she's gonna get, it's gonna hurt when you get to the bottom,  these girls a vicious. " Leo told me and I handed his phone back.
"Yeah, I just hope this gets dropped after awhile." I said. "Not likely, there's still a rumor about a girl back from 2019. And it's still quite fresh."
"I'm fucked."
"Yeah you are. I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything about it." Leo said, I saw him about to put his hand on my shoulder,  but then decided not to. "You know you don't have to be afraid to put your hand on my shoulder." I said.
"But it scares you. You always flinch." She said and I nodded. "It's trauma and it's gonna take time for me to get over it, but each day that comes and goes takes a bit of the pain away." I explain to him and he nods.

School ends and me, Gabby and Dylan make our way home and sitting on the steps with Mikayla is Madeline.
"Whats going on?" I asked and Madeline waves me over. I obeyed. "Theo please don't freak out, you are very safely stable here, but there are no guarantees.  Your Dad is out of prison and fighting for custody of you." Madeline said to me.

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