Chapter 4

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I sat at the table in the dinning room with Dylan and Gabby, I looked at my drawing book, at the picture I just created, I looked at my coloring pencils, I looked at my phone, at what I was trying to draw.
A shadow fell over me, "Very nice, after you color that we can put it up on the wall if you like." Said Mikayla. I nodded. I looked back at my phone and picked up the orange.
I colored in the pumpkin and I took the yellow and highlighted the lit flame. I brought the black cat to life. I colored in the cats green eyes and then I picked up my phone and took a picture.
I sent the picture to the printer and got up and walked into the office. I took the printed out picture from the printer and took it to Mikayla. "I see you printed out a copy. Didn't want to rip out a page?"
"No." I replied. I didn't want to rip out any pages. I followed her over to the wall in the entrance and he blueteacted it to wall. I looked up at it.

I started raining halfway to school and me, Gabby and blind Dylan had to run the rest of the way

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I started raining halfway to school and me, Gabby and blind Dylan had to run the rest of the way.
Dylan had one arm linked around Gabby's and the other kinked around my arm. It rained heavy and by the time we'd gotten to school, we were soaked.
We dropped Dylan off with Miss Smith while Gabby and I ran off to the homeroom. When we got there, she opened the door and the both of us looked drenched. Miss Hampton looked at us. Then spoke.
"Love the rain don't We?" She said sarcastically. "Hate the rain, sorry we're late." I said and took a seat next to Leo.
"Alrigt guys, I have to go pick something up from the office, I'll be right back." Said Miss Hampton getting up from her chair. She left through the door and almost immediately, Valeria's phone went off.
She tapped Scorpious' shoulder and showed him something on her phone. They both looked over at me, I immediately looked down, I could feel my checks going red.
And I couldn't do anything about it. Leo's phone went off so her pulled it out of his pocket, he looked over at Valeria.
"If you have something to say to me, say it to me face to face. If you have something to say to someone else, tell it to them...not me." He said and slipped his phone back in his pocket just as Miss Hampton walked back in. She caught Valeria glaring at Leo. "Is everything OK Lavingne?" She asked.
"Yes, for now..." She said and Miss Hampton raised her right eyebrow. "OK..."
The bell rung for end of homeroom and me and Leo headed towards English. We headed up the stairs and into our English classroom. Leo and I took a seat at the back, closest to the door, Scorpious came in being pulled by Valeria to the front of the classroom.
I looked over at them and he turned towards me and gave me an apologetic look. I returned a slight smile.
"I could have sworn he blushed we you gave him that smile." Leo whispered to me. "Your seeing things. He's Valeria's man, there's no way." I shook my head and looked down at my book.

The bell had rung and me and Leo headed away from our spot by library, Leo's phone rang and he waved me on to class. I didn't know who it was and I don't think he wanted me to know judging by the fact that he didn't want me around for the conversation. I started off to class when I felt a tap on my shoulder and I flinched. "Shit, you alright?" He asked.
I spun around, but standing there wasn't Leo... but Scorpious. "Can I help you?"I asked, I could feel my heart beating. I still couldn't work out where this boy was from eventhough he was so familiar.
"I wanted to apologize for Valeria, but can you come over to my house after school, there is something you need to know, I can't tell you here, someone will over hear."
"OK, what's you address?" I asked. "Meet me at the gate ten minutes after the end of school bell. I'm so sorry." He said.
"Sorry for what?" I asked.
"I need to get back to Valeria, but I will explain everything I promise." Said Scorpious running off. I stood there in shook and suddenly Leo was standing next to me.
"I heard part of that conversation and I vote go." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Because he knows more than me, please, stuff gets around this school, don't bring it up it doesn't get around, just go to his house."
"I know him from somewhere, I just don't know where, and this sounds...weird, I just hope he hasn't found anything out about my past, if it gets to Valeria than I'm fucked." I said.
Leo nodded, "we need to get to class." He did and I nodded.
We got to class and our teacher scowled at us. "Late Mr Jones and Mr Curlettes." He said as we took our seats. We sat through the lesson, I passed looks over in Scorpious' direction. Why couldn't I remember him and why couldn't I keep my eyes off him.
His eyes switched to my direction, directly at my, my checks flushed red and I immediately looked down at me book, I hopped he couldn't see me blushing and Leo leaned forward a bit to hide me.
He was familiar yet a stranger and I hated that.

I leaned up against the fence after school, ten minutes after just as we'd planned, I'd texted Mikayla and told her I was heading around to a friend's. It was a lie, but one I knew I could get away with. Leo had since left in a panic, I knew something was up. But I hadn't asked, I knew if it was my business he would have told me. "Hey." Came a voice from just infront of me. I looked up from my phone the boy with blonde hair and beautiful green eyes.
"Come on." He said as a car pulled up, he opened the door and then walked around to the other side and got in that way. I fell into my seat and the driver had taken off before I could shut my door. "Wow shit!" I yelled as the guy swerved and I managed to grab hold of the door. I pulled it shut and I suddenly flinched as the feeling of a hand resting on my knee, Scorpious' hand it was.
He gave me a concerned look and asked me softly, "hey are you OK?"
I nodded, "yeah, just didn't expect the car to take off that quickly."
"I wasn't expecting for him to do that either but we'll be back at my place soon." Scorpious told me. We soon arrived at Scorpious' house, it was red brick with no fence and badly cut grass. The driver off the car left his vehicle on the side of the road and walked up the driveway and entered the house. "Sorry about him." Scorpious said and I followed him up to a faded red door, he immediately walked down the hallway on the right, I looked over on the left, it was a living room and right ahead was what looks to be a kitchen.
I ducked into the hallway and I looked over to where Scorpious stood, leaning against the door frame he looked up at smiled at me. I couldn't help but blush. I walked into his room, there was a double bed in the middle of the room, a desk opposite the bed and a wardrobe opposite the window. I heard the door close. "No!" I called.

I was stood in my room, bruises all up my arms and tears streaming down my cheeks, Scorpio couldn't save me this time. "Punishment time." My father said and I heard the door slam and a click, not again. "No!" I yelled at the door sprinting over and pulling on the door knob, I tried to force it open but I wouldn't budge. I banged on the door with my fist. "Dad! Please no!" I yelled. Tears were running down my face and I sunk down to the floor, I hugged my knees to chest. "No..."
"Theo." I heard. I blinked, i was slouched against the bed, Scorpious kneeled infront of me, looked straight at me, concern and worry painted all over his face.One hand was rested on my knee, the other was cupping right cheek, I could feel that my face was wet from tears, I looked over at the still closed door. He turned to the door, he got up and opened the door.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think." Scorpious said sitting down infront of me. I stayed quiet. "Valeria Is a very power-hungry person, she's one of those people who will stop at almost anything to gain power, even if that means means putting other people through hell - or making herself look like the hero of other people's misfortune. "
I nodded, Valeria was an asshole. And of course she knew something. "If she has dirt on you, then your fucked basically, she can use it against you to her advantage. That's how she found out what she did. Blackmail. She used blackmail against her uncle who is a cop to do a background check on you, that's how she found out." Scorpious explained.
"How much does she know." I asked, crossing my legs. "And what's she going to do with it?" "Post it and make herself look like the hero, she will word everything to say that she helped you and the only reason your alive and in such a good mental state is her."
"Thats bullshit." I said "I know, and I'm trying to talk her out of it, but I told you because this is your past, your information and if I can't persuade Valeria otherwise, then you know what is going on."
"She's doesn't know Jack shit to what happened and she's going to act like shes the reason I'm alive? Shes not power hungry, she's criminal. You can't let her post anything please." I said looking up at Scorpious.
"I'm doing everything I can." Scorpious said back to me.
I left after about fifteen minutes, I called an uber to the corner of Scorpious' street. I climbed in and the driver turned to me.
"You look like shit." He said to me in a grungy voice, he had strands of black whispy hair float around on his head, stubble covered his chin and upper lip, hid eyes looked dead as his teeth were and her sounded a little drunk.
He drove me to the school and I got out and payed him what owed and walked home. Gabby was sitting in the lounge with Dylan and Dan when I arrived home.
"How was your friends house?" Dan asked me. "Pretty good, he's got the newest console we were playing with that for awhile and then we went down to the park with his dog." I didn't know why I lied. But I did and and walked into the kitchen where Dylan sat at the table across the room running his fingers of his braille book. I sat down with him.

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