Chapter 20

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'We need to get them back...'

Lorenzo's pov:

It has been 8 hours since my little brother and sister, along with their friends were kidnapped. We have no leads. We have nothing.

Hayley, Marina's friend and younger sister of Andrew Stone, heir to the American Mafia is staying with us until our parents get back from New York.

There was an attack the Stone mansion for Hayley but she was with her friend thankfully. They- who ever they are-won't be able to get to her while she is in this house.

My thoughts are with my missing siblings. I can't imagine what they are experiencing right now.

Dante and Aurelio are at our hospital recovering from the drugs the attackers gave them. Both are beating themselves up for not protecting Marina and Lukas.

Nico has cut himself off from everyone and keeps staring at his laptop trying to find any information he can, but it's dead end after dead end.

Romeo like Nico has thrown himself into his work to occupy himself. I can tell he is falling apart inside but of course he would never show it.

I- Well I don't know what to do. After Romeo called dad to inform him and the other mafias of their missing children, we did our best to look for leads, for something to let us know where they are, who took them or if they are even still alive.

The only thing we got, left in the car with Dante and Aurelio...Addressed to the three mafias.

Marina's pov:

I can feel myself laying on my stomach the hard, cold floor making contact with my exposed skin makes me shiver.

My body aches and my head is pounding. As my senses come back to me and the pieces that is my memory start to push back together. All at once everything hit like a tonne of bricks. I remember everything, the chase, the crash, the phone call, the fight, the...the darkness.

As I open my eye I see the dim, old lights flicker above me as I start to sit up on the dirty concrete ground. It's cold, the room feels like someone left a window open in the winter.

The room-well more like cell is a small-ish rectangular size space surrounded with metal bars on both sides as well as the front, while a concrete wall stood on the other side.

Looking around the cell like room I spot someone sitting against the bars of another cell.

It's Andrew.

"Andy?" My voice comes out hushed and groggy. As soon as I speak his head snaps towards me. "Marina, are you okay?" He ask looking sad but relieved that I am awake.

As I take in my surroundings more I see Lukas and Leo still passed out. Leo is in a cell across from me and beside Andrew, while Lukas lays unconscious in the cell next to mine.

"Yeah I'm okay." I give him a small smile. "Do you know where we are? Who did this?" I question him but his facial expression's turns into one of confusion and anger.

"I'm not sure, I haven't seen anyone since I woke up here. The last thing I remember was crashing the car and then...nothing." He explains to me. I nod my head and tell him what I know which also isn't much.

"It definitely has to do with the mafia though." He says catching my attention. "How so? I mean we just got kidnapped and all so yeah I assumed it had something to do with it but any particular reason you say that?" I ask him.

"Some unknown new group attacked the Russians, they wanted to over throw them. It's why Leo came here. As you know our three mafias work together because of our alliance it's why your dad and my parents went to New York, to help them with the problem because it threatened the alliance. also because of the alliance they are required to help each other during times of war or threats." He explains.

"Why am I only being told of this now? I knew about the alliance but not the most recent information about the threats and attacks on the Russians. Why?" Now I'm getting angry. He could have told me, but I was clueless.

"I'm sorry, you where becoming this new person. You where happy for once and I didn't want you to have this on your shoulders. I honestly thought it was nothing to really worry about. That's what my dad made it out to be. Just another threat nothing serious." He says looking at me, angry at himself for not protecting me.

"If I thought any of us where in trouble here I would have told you. I thought the threat was in Russia." Andy tells further.

"It's okay. I understand." I offer him a small nod of reassurance. I know this is not the time to be angry. "We gotta figure out how to get out of here."

It feels like forever before the other two finally wake up. "Ugh. What the fuck." I hear Lukas groan beside me. "Finally. Thank fuck! Are you okay?" I let out a sigh of relief as he opens his eyes.

"You're bleeding Maisie. Does anything else hurt?" Lukas says catching the others attention. Honestly I forgot I was even bleeding. "Yeah I'm fine, just a sore arm." I admit to him.

After we all check on each other the room becomes silent. I know they want to talk about the fact that we got kidnapped but then someone would probably bring up the mafia and Lukas keeps giving the other two looks as if to shut their mouths and not say a word.

After what I think was about half an hour the big Steele door at then end of the hallway starts to open with a loud bang and click. In walks a man with three guards. The man is older, streaks of grey run through is brown hair. His suite screams money but his sickening grin is enough to send shivers through my body.

'This is gonna be hell.'

"Good! Everyone is awake." The old douche bag says in a thick Russian accent. The smirk on his face growing into an evil smile. All four of us glare at him.

"Oh! How could I forget. Let me introduce myself. I am Viktor Petrov the rightful don of the Russian mafia.

'The fuuuuuuuck?!'

I look to Leo who is sporting a similar clueless expression as the rest of us. "Let me explain shall I?" Viktor says. "Well it seems my dear old father, your grand father was unfaithful to your beloved grandmother. And I am the product of his discrepancies. His first born and rightful owner of the Russian mafia."

'Well...shit has finally hit the fan.'

"That's not possible! My grandfather loved my grandma! He would never-" Leo tries to reassure and convince himself.

"Well I assure you boy that I speak the truth. I was thrown away! Living in squalor with my poor mother, while your father lived my life! I've had enough of watching from the shadows." Viktor the jackass is becoming visibly more and more worked up.

"You will all pay the price for your families, for making alliances with MY Mafia! To keep me away from what is rightfully MINE!"

3rd person pov:

Dear mafia's,

Thank you for making this so easy for me. You all left what was most important to you unattended, you left them weak and vulnerable for me to take.

I'll offer you a deal. Your children back with you in exchange I want each of your mafias all to myself. You will sign over all rights to me.

If you refuse, your children will be put though hell and then you will start to find pieces of them where you least expect.

Call the number in the phone provided when you have made up your minds. I look forward to your call.

All the best,
The man putting your children through hell.

It has officially been 24 hours since the abduction. All the parents had returned from New York moments earlier and are now crowded in Marco's office as the note left in the car is read while the burner phone found lays on the desk.

Tensions where high everyone thinking something different but there was one thing they all have in common. 3 all powerful mafias feeling the same way.


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