Chapter 3

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The past two weeks have been good. Luke and I have been getting along with our brothers well. Lukas has bonded with them more than I have, I guess they just have more in common with each other.

School starts next week, the new school had like 3 weeks of for some holiday or something. We were brought to the mall last week to get some things like clothes and new shoes.

We even got new phones and laptops because according to Romeo "we need them for school" but honestly I think he just wanted to spoil us a little bit.

Nico and Dante have been acting weird towards me, they seem to get along with Luke, but they barely even look at me, maybe I should just give them some space.

I mean they are probably just trying to get used to having a sister. Luke and I are still pretty close but he has been spending a lot of time with our brothers and I can't help but feel a little jealous, we have been kinda distant with each other lately even if we are still close.

*Time skip*

It's now Friday and dinner time. "So how you both feeling?, are you excited for school?" Romeo asks looking at me and Lukas.

"Yeah I guess so, but starting a new school in the middle of the year is a bit nerve wracking, everyone already knows each other and everything." I say.

He nodded his head as a reply. "What about you Lukas." "Yeah I'm excited, Dante told me football tryouts are next week so we are going to try out together." He says. I didn't know they were getting close.

Luke seems to be getting really comfortable here, I'm happy for him, I'm happy that he is happy here. I just wish I could be a comfortable as he is, I get the feeling that the boys especially Dante and Nico have a problem with me.

Like the other day I got in trouble by Nico. Dante told me I had to go into Nico's room and get Dante's phone because Nico took it from him. Nico caught me in there are yelled at me for snooping.

After dinner I went to the living room to watch tv, I was just chillin there when I found something behind one other cushions, it was a small bag that had weed in it.

I know exactly what it was because my mom would smoke it. I heard someone coming here so I hid it bad behind the pillow before someone saw me with it.

Dante came in and gave me a weird look before sitting on the sofa furthest away from me and taking out his phone.

We stay silent until I turned the tv off and went to go shower and get ready for bed because it was getting late.

I got to my room and went to get some pjs and went straight to the shower. After I was finished I took my time, just thinking about how my life has change so much even just from a few weeks ago.

I get dressed looking at my self in the mirror at the scars on my body I've never seen my body so plain, there were no open cuts or bruises that my mother had given me, I was different, I was begging a new life, I was beginning to be happy.

I walk out of the bathroom with a smile of my face, only for it to disappear once I saw my father and brother standing in my room looking very angry.

Oh no...

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