Part 3: I Pick Him

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The following day. The lady woke up with a delightful look on her face. "It's valentine's day, better get ready fast!" She could feel that this will not be like any other day that she encountered. It will be a special one to her that even the sun peaked through the curtains making her skin glow like a torch, forming a delicate smile in the morning glow.

She got dressed in a fancy but not over the top flower dress, with a vibrant blue bow tied in her hair with loose strands of hair that were free to flow anywhere around her face. Now that she's ready, she glanced at the mirror, she could feel her self-esteem grow like it never did before. "I look beautiful," she was pleased with her look . But there was still one thought in her head which kept her heart from believing. " what if I won't see him today thought." She said to herself softly while fiddling with her hands, she could hear her own thoughts gather in her neck. Those kind of thoughts that kept her back in life, but now she is determined to be happy...

In the forest she is once again. It felt different somehow, now that she was full of him in her heart it made her feel less afraid of what could be hiding in those shallow tree figures that can be seen on each side of her posture. But just because she isn't scared no more her heart is the only place that keeps him inside and annoys her heart which is probably why her heart flutters just by the thought of him.

He isn't with her which she hoped would be the exact opposite today but her life taught her otherwise. Things don't come without no work in trying for them to come, you have to try to make it come true because no one knows how long you'll wait for the love to pass by.

Now that I have explained the day so far I still need to add when she's in her workplace.

"Back here again." She puffed her cheeks. "Hi Margaret!" This is one of her dear workers. Her only friend that she can actually socialize with. "Hi, I heard we are having a new worker that is actually new to the town, the rumour is that he's actually really good looking!" Her friend sounded so flirty about the thought of him. "Oh really?" They both laughed and giggled for a good ten minutes. Until.."that umbrella seems familiar..."

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