Legacy - Part 23

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Phillip lay on his back with his hands clasp behind his head, trying futilely to fall asleep. His mind is completely focused on the room down the hall. Thoughts of Mali consume him and he can't stop worrying about her. Not able to lie there any longer, he finally gets up. Pushing a hand back through his hair, he quietly makes his way down to the kitchen for a glass of milk, surprised to see the kitchen light on. He is even more surprised to find Mali sitting at the table with a glass of water. There is a distant look in her eyes as she stares at a painting on the wall.

"How are you?" he asks, sitting beside her, placing his hand over hers.

"Okay, I guess," she answers, looking down at their hands.

Phillip lifts her chin with his finger, looking into her eyes. He knows she isn't okay, but he doesn't know what to say to help. Her sadness affects him in ways he can't explain and his heart aches for her. He has never felt so much pain for another person before.

As he continues to stare into her eyes, deep emotion fills him. Words that have hovered in the back of his young mind fight their way to the surface, bringing with them feelings so pure, yet so intense, his heart threatens to thump through his chest.

By the way Mali is staring at him, he can tell she feels the change. He hears her take a deep breath and watches her press a hand to her chest. Swallowing hard, he tightens his fingers around hers. "Mali . . . I need to tell you something, something important."

When she says nothing, he takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly. His voice is soft. "I love you, Mali. I love you very much." He watches her eyes widen and plunges ahead. "You are more special than you could ever know. And one day . . . when I am older, I will come for you, Mali, and make you my wife."

 * * * 

Tears of disbelief blur Mali's vision. Never would she have dreamed of him saying these things to her. She is young, but she can't deny the feelings his words stir in her heart. She has guy friends at home and in school, but she's never felt as close to anyone as she does to Phillip. He treats her special. He makes her believe she matters. And he seems so much older than his years. She continues to stare at him through glistening eyes.

 * * * 

Phillip looks down at Mali's hands in his a moment before lifting his eyes to hers again. Not knowing what else to say, he swallows hard, then slowly leans forward and brushes his lips lightly over the corner of her mouth. The kiss is brief, yet it is as soft and gentle as the flutter of a butterfly's wing. He moves back, staring into her eyes intently. "I promise, I will come and find you. Please tell me you believe me."

 * * * 

Lifting a hand to her lips, Mali slowly smiles as a tear trails down her face. Though his lips had only touched part of hers for a second, it is the first time she's ever experienced something so amazing. And no matter how many summers she spends with him after this, this is the one she will remember forever. She squeezes his hand. "I believe you, Phillip."


Cisely begins to heal, her progress slow but steady. Adagio hardly ever leaves her side, seeing to her every need. And each morning when he awakens and gazes at her sleeping form lying next to him, he gives thanks to God for sparing her life and allowing him more time with her on the earth. He wants to grow old with her and prays they will have many more years together in this life–many years to laugh and love.

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